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  1. G

    Browning leaves - black spots on one of three plants.

    Thanks for that post. +1 for you sir. I'll try the salts. Seems more likely because the issue seems isolated to a single plant.
  2. G

    Browning leaves - black spots on one of three plants.

    I'm growing under a 400w HPS. Other information: Daytime temps range from 75 - 81, depending on the outdoor weather. Nighttime temps typically stay at 71. I water with Primo RO water. PH is around 6.9. Please help!
  3. G

    Browning leaves - black spots on one of three plants.

    Just Roots Organics with extra perlite added in for good measure. The perlite had no nutritional value (not Miracle Gro style). They're about 45 days old and just began flowering yesterday. This plant has not seemed stunted in size, but has always exhibited some sort of symptom - light...
  4. G

    Browning leaves - black spots on one of three plants.

    Thanks for responding. I feed the other two plants the same proportion of nutrients. I wonder why they aren't affected this way?
  5. G

    Browning leaves - black spots on one of three plants.

    The attached pictures show problems that are occurring on one of three plants. Several of the mid-canopy leaves look like this - browning and yellowing with black spots. I'm using the Canna line of products and just started flowering. I foliar fed for the first time today - very low...
  6. G

    Ocean Forest or Happy Frog?

    Bingo. Bango. Bongo.
  7. G

    Leaf damage and deformation - please help me diagnose!

    Thanks for the quick response. I'd like to note that the problem is spreading, albeit slowly, to the leaves directly next to the ones that display the biggest issues. Any other thoughts? Thank you again for the help!
  8. G

    Leaf damage and deformation - please help me diagnose!

    Attached are the pictures of my young child's damaged leaves. The leaves are opposite one another - and the damage starts as a discoloration of the fan leaf and eventually becomes the necrotic, orange/yellow you see below. Whatever it is seems to be spreading slowly to the leaves adjacent...
  9. G

    Apparent slow growth - please offer opinions.

    Now less than 24 hours later - the leaves are beginning to brown and curl up. It looks very dry, though the humidity is at 73%. What in the hell is going on? :P
  10. G

    Intake/Exhaust questions...

    Thank you all very much for your input. Sounds like things are simpler than I believed. :weed:
  11. G

    Apparent slow growth - please offer opinions.

    Friends - this is my first grow and I've run in to several problems. In a nutshell, this bagseed (from a bag of some DANKITY DANK DANK) was germinated, sprouted and planted on Friday, April 10. It reached out from its moist, dark home the following Sunday. Since then, it has grown...
  12. G

    Intake/Exhaust questions...

    Long time reaaadaaaa, first time poosstaaaa.... Or maybe second time. I know there are a ton of questions like these among the forums - so many so that it's difficult to find threads that are 100% relevant to the questions I have... so here I go. I'm using my walk-in closet in the MB of...
  13. G


    Just used them. Excellent first experience.
  14. G

    Welcome New Members!

    What's good? Dank. New to the forum and saying hello. :)