awesome bro its T&T here just followed your link things seemed to turn out well for you congrats
I have not the time to read your journal straight threw but I deffenatly will find the time SOON
thanks man
take care T&T/ttt
hey bro I've got the same question maby not the time restraint but the same main cola question if you hear anything could you p'm me with what ya find?
thanks man
I know everybody is suspect but I'd rather not think my partner had anything to do with it weve been friends for like 20+ years and honnestly if he did do it or had something to do with it (which I dont think he did) $$ is neaver worth a friendship I've seen it too often fuck shit up like...
lol I've been looking at thoes but the problem is
1 they have a flash
2 the only time you need them is when all the leaves are falling it would be really hard to hide it would end up as just one more thing stollen
BUT.... heres my 1 million dollar idea
its called..... ya ready for this...
heres 2 stories with happy endings both... brother has a bunch out and he got raided early too but they only got a piece 20-40 plants.He was not about to loose it all so he went camping for the last 2 weeks to let them finish up(i wish I could have done that) so while he was out there 2...
no bad karma I'm a hella nice guy and as far as careful planning I did everything I could. I boat my dirt ,fertz, and ladies way back in the middle of nowhere.Its not even on a lake its down this little pissant creek that only a canoe can fit down scrubbin bottom the whole way with 22 bags of...
What the fuck is wrong with people I hid it did not tell anybody and yet its GONE GONE all the fuckers left me was the scraps and not even enough to make some descent hash...WHY???like its O>K> to steal thousands of dollars from me I wish I could find them with my shit cause I would distroy...
the last pic in last post the fucking RIPPERS got the whole shabang 50 + ladies can anybody say COCKSUCKERS COCKSUCKERS.........................................fuck fuck fuck not only did they steal from me but it got me so paranoid that I had to pull the other ones early,I could not risk gettin...
lol the face WAS done in paint lol for obvious reasons but the ladies are real heres this years grow
hmmm.. the new pics did not show up??
I'll try again....
now I'm just a simple Canadian and I know nothing about MY contries pollitics and I deffenatly wont clame to be intrested in amarican pollitics but we have health care and I love it yes there might be some draw backs or waits to get cat scans or mri's but all and all its wonderful.I am a father...
ya me neither but who knows?but i read alot of high times and when they talk about a new strain they almost always say a % of thc so i was hoping that i could get a test kit too.
Anyways I guess its just another pipe dream hahahaha thanks guys
does anybody know the yeald from the volks garden its the 80 plant wheel and would the yeald be better if you used a 1000 watt instead of a 600 watt hps?? or is that small of a system a waste of time? just splurge on the roto grow?? any feed back on these systems would be awesome
thanks guys
Ya I'm baked 4 choices lol
If you had a choice to grow Kush, Derban poison, Early Skunk or California Skunk what would it be and why? I know the Kush and derban poison are great smoke but I don't know the yeld and the Early skunk is soposed to be masive but I don't know how it smokes and I know...
and outtaluck the lime is used as a PH buffer if you see they look fine they are probably fine the plants will tell you loud and clear if your doing something wrong just becareful with the fertzbetter to be light then too much
good luck