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  1. Redneck020

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    can someone tell me what happened to Ever since Ive come back to Forums, i havent been able find out. I used to post there a good bit, even had two Grow Journals on there. Some newbie Fluoro grows, but i got some really good bud out of it, thanks to everyone's help. I remember that...
  2. Redneck020

    Best Game While Stoned!

    Final Fantasy 12 for the PS2, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for the PC. ETQW has a bunch of competition based leagues, and i like to get blitzed and compete with other teams. It's a Shotter style game with Objectives, and 5-different player classes. Pretty coool!!
  3. Redneck020

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    I remember all of Heaths grows for, some truly amazing shit. Seen a pic of one of his buds that weighed like 6oz. or something astronomical like that. Glad to see ur still around Heath
  4. Redneck020


    Wats up Southern Grower?? Seems like we may have some things in common, LoL. Im in the south as well, just thought i would say hello. I just joined myself, today actually.
  5. Redneck020

    New Pothead/Grower to

    Hey everybody, just thought i would say hello. I havent been active much on forums in the past year or so, and when i discovered my OLD home-site no longer existed, i set out to find this guy from that old site, and see where he was chillin now. It happened to be here, and i hadnt ever heard of...