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  1. Drr

    Roto-Grow Journal

    by his numbers roughly 200 plants x roughly 12 grams a plant.. 5.3 pounds..
  2. Drr

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    I didn't wanna jump in this but.. like my unlce ben said when you cut off the leaves.. the branch at that node replaces it. and the other thing is that your opening the canopy for light to penetrate the lower nodes and they take off towards the light.. while topping it make the plant...
  3. Drr

    Is this too much of a light leak?

    It's the light leaking in towards the other way during the night cycle you need to worry about...
  4. Drr

    What happens when you switch on your ballast but there's no HID in the socket?

    I would assume. The clicking sound is the ballast trying to ignite the bulb...
  5. Drr

    G13 Blueberry Gum... how much longer?

    that should be perfect... they look beautiful...
  6. Drr

    Very very Frosty, but is it ready?

    Atleast one or 2 more weeks.. the should fatten up soon.. and the pistils will start to curl in.. and die of brown orange..
  7. Drr

    DO i need a heating pad for clones?

    If you want close to 100% consistency I would invest in one.. it's not that expensive.. Once I dial in the temp I barely loose a clone.. aside from neglect.. :wall::clap: also depends on your method.. I use peat pucks...
  8. Drr

    Closet build. 600 + 400 hps PICS

    Hahahaha cool.. then you should be perfect... ;oP
  9. Drr

    Advanced Grow Room Reults

    what are the little mesh things hanging under your 1000 watter?
  10. Drr

    Bubba Kush has purple /amber cluster beads with hairs coming out?

    yup it hermed... it should still finish.. it might just take longer..
  11. Drr

    Closet build. 600 + 400 hps PICS

    Looks awsome but I would minimize ducting between the grow area and the light.. less ducting = better air flow..
  12. Drr

    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    It's all about the balance of chemicals.. They are at different levels at different times in the flowering cycle. and the dry/cure has a lot to do with it.. Personal preference...
  13. Drr

    Nutrient Ratios

    I wouldn't cut the Nitrogen out completely.. that is never a good thing..
  14. Drr

    Did I burn em?

    yeah they are stressing a bit.. raise the light..
  15. Drr

    Pythium Or Nute Defecient. (pics of course)

    yeah needed a bit of N in my opinion and a lose dose of nutes in general..
  16. Drr

    Nute Burn or Nute Lockout [Coco]

    potasium overdose???? definately an overdose.. give a good watering only water this time around and see if it continues..
  17. Drr

    Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow

    BB2 has some banana's shooting out.. take care of them.. or your fucked..
  18. Drr

    7 wk flowering giants dying! Hellllp!!

    I don't know but I think you hit the nail on the head.. looks just like yours..