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  1. 420guru

    Some Of My Work

    the bucket lives.
  2. 420guru +

    don't say hard-on... you want ladies.... more like uniballed pleasure-toy
  3. 420guru

    hello friends

    Hey... Now I'm 420guru, i have held other names... i'm an overgrow and now an hg420 refugee...... Hello and healthy harvests to all of you.. Gardenknowm, love your work if you read this.
  4. 420guru

    whats wrong here?

    I might say possible pH problems or fert burn but then again I'd need much more info. what kind of lights? what feed shedule, etc.?
  5. 420guru +

    Don't you love seein' babies gettin born?
  6. 420guru

    20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP

    plants that don't get food eat themselves to survive. I'd suggest finding some good nutes that have all the secondary and trace elements... sloppy rule of thumb coming up: fertilize every third watering or so with 1/2 strength nutes (1/2 of recommended strength on bottle)... don't fertilize last...