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  1. C

    How do you adjust Ph?

    U buy ph indicator paper u twat
  2. C

    How do you adjust Ph?

    what vinegar u havin a fukin laff maybe fur yur fish n chips but not ure precious pot man ats a dumb dumb hing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody listen to him i suggest buyin garden lime adding minimal amounts over time as u water ure...
  3. C

    Super Lime

    emm limey green sounds good who has smoked cheese ?? Get bak to us a hnk its potent e much app waldo weeeeeeehavy stone gd gear man gt super silver haze on the go eh noo any 1 smoked it any in fo guys get bak ae us
  4. C

    Got A Secret Stash Spot?

    ear ram it up yeh nobodys gonnae violate u for it unless there sick or chokin fur it