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  1. BudMist

    Hijack 2009

    I changed the light yesterday (one warm, one cool), and today we have 8 out of 11 sprouts!
  2. BudMist

    Hijack 2009

    Dec 31, 2008: Jamrock and I germed 10 seeds (THANKS FDD!) and put them in dirt. The seeds are 5 each: Hijack 2008 F1axF3 Hijack 2008 F1bxF3 The seeds were germed in a Tupperware container we set on top of the cable box (for warmth). I know the tails are long--I was busy, LOL! So they sat a day...
  3. BudMist

    Slug Bugs!

    What, like a brillo pad? That's amazing!
  4. BudMist

    Slug Bugs!

    The leaves on my outdoor plants are being eaten by something other than a caterpillar! I have sprayed them all with Neem and an organic caterpillar killer, made sure I got the under-side of the leaves and everything. Didn't work. :evil: I think it's snails or slugs because I see silvery...
  5. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    Big Kush New Transplants, All Clones: Front row, from left to right: Hog, Cherry AK (CAK), CAK, Ice, Hog Middle row: Grape Ape, Ice, Sour Diesel Back row: Ice, Berryjuana (BJ), Diesel (D) In the black bag? A renegade plantling from last year's harvest! We found it when we were prepping the...
  6. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    Berryjuana clone #2 (BJ2): Grape Ape (GA): Berryjuana #1 (BJ1): Sour Diesel: Hog: Cherry AK: Berryjuana (purchased clone, mother of BJ1 and BJ2): I dipped each plant in a neem oil+anti-caterpillar solution before planting (this past Saturday)...
  7. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    This is last of five LowRyder, grown from seed, all Meta Natural nutes. It's still finishing, not quite purple yet, but the blooms look good...and since I didn't take any pictures of the other plants before I pulled them up! According to my calendar, I should be cutting back the fan leaves and...
  8. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    Take off the fan leaves? Really? Hmm. I know about taking the fan leaves off when they are bigger, to help air flow. And I know about taking them off during the final weeks of bloom, during the flush. But what is the benefit of taking the fan leaves off when they are this young?
  9. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    My last post was January 6, so here we are, over a month later, and the update is positive! Spent the weekend digging holes for a mix of strong clones and a couple of spindly cloned-too-often mothers that I am replacing. I'm in So Cal, so according to what I've learned here, I should be able...
  10. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    OK, so taking a picture every day was a bit ambitious for this's an update: I also took clones yesterday from some plants I grew from seed and put them in the Aerogarden. I'm gonna root them, and then change the light to 12/12 for sexing. What's in there....oh! three...
  11. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    The abbreviations are: CAK = Cherry AK GA = Grape Ape BK = Big Kush Hog Ice I used Olivias for the rooting (and that's what you see on top of the Rapid Rooters). I sprayed the clones only once, on the day I cut them, and the dome with filtered water. The tray sits on a heat pad and there is...
  12. BudMist

    Learning to Clone and Mother

    I am starting my second grow; still getting my legs under me but I am feeling more confident this year that I have some applicable knowledge. I have some plants vegging in the shed outdoors; but in this thread I want to focus on clones. My success rate is hit-or-miss, but I got some great...
  13. BudMist

    Speed Queen: Male?

    Better safe than I removed the clone from the garden and its mother from the shed. Here's a few pics: I took these pictures last night.
  14. BudMist

    Speed Queen: Male?

    That's what I thought! Should have just gone with my first mind... Hey, I'm not too late to pull it, am I? (on my way outside)
  15. BudMist

    Speed Queen: Male?

    Quick question--I topped a Speed Queen (I grew it from seed), rooted it, put it outside a few days ago to flower for sex. I know that whatever the genetic makeup of my original plant will be the same as this clone. Last year was my first grow--and I waited too long to cull out the males. of...
  16. BudMist

    Posting Pics

    *bump* This will be my second garden, so I want to show off what I learned here. My plants are looking SO much better, HA HA!
  17. BudMist

    CA Wildfires: Ash on my Buds

    I am sorry to hear that :cry:
  18. BudMist

    CA Wildfires: Ash on my Buds

    Thanks everyone for your input. The winds have changed and the air is much better, although many many people here, rich and poor alike, lost their homes... The plants are fine! The first day we could comfortably go outdoors, we just shook them gently, and the main layer of ash and soot just...
  19. BudMist

    CA Wildfires: Ash on my Buds

    It's fire season in Southern California--there are multiple fires burning in my county right now, the sky is orange, and you can not only see the ash floating through the air, but you can smell and taste the char as well. Is this poor air quality going to have an effect on my ripening plants...
  20. BudMist

    It's Raining!!

    Thanks for your input. Yesterday, I went outside and shook the excess off each plant. I did notice a couple of colas that gave me concern, so I harvested those early (just the tops). Keep your fingers crossed!!