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  1. R

    Yeah got nailed

    care to elaborate? your wife called the cops on YOU???????? what the fuck for??? can't you satify her so she goes out shagging 19year olds and tries to have you locked up and out of the way? I don't mean to offend you I'm just trying to make sense of the situation
  2. R

    125w cfl

    no not even close, So you're talking about a 30w cfl (125w incandescent equivalent)?
  3. R

    newbee fuckin newbee how to get high

    don't be so cruel to your plants!! go and buy some weed
  4. R

    $ Hash $

    I don't buy hash, and don't know anyone who would even know where to get it on a regular basis, it seems like you gotta make it yourself these days. I was offered a gram of low grade hash oil for $50 the other day which I think was a rip off
  5. R

    $ Hash $

    I'm in Oz too, you guys must be buying the most most premium weed in the country, otherwise your getting ripped. It's usually between $240 and $300 in victoria and was the same when I lived on the NSW coast
  6. R

    $ Hash $

    is hash green where you'r from too? lol 350 an 0z is a pretty high price, if it's just a small amount of hash and it's to a mate just make up a price like $40 a gram
  7. R

    My bowl is stuck in my female piece glass on glass

    see the resemblance?
  8. R

    200watt - cfl - pakistan ryder - afghan kush ryder

    yea he did a a good job of that hood eh you can easily make one like this for free If you can find a piece of sheet metal, just paint the inside white so it reflects good
  9. R

    How Much is Your Weed?

    here in oz its: $20 a gram $50 an 1/8 $70 an 1/4 then you get into 1/2 or oz's and price varies from like $220 an oz to $300 BUT OUR WEED IS SHIT!!!!!! 90% of growers around here wouldn't have a clue
  10. R

    attitude seeds to australia?

    I bought some white widow from the nirvana seed bank to australia, good price fast shipping. fuck growing bag seed I only want the real deal
  11. R

    attitude seeds to australia?

    Nope..... unfortunately attitude seeds don't ship to aus anymore and they won't tell me why, I'm guessing the owner would like to travel to aus at some point. this really sucks they seem like a good store and back when they did sell to aus they always made it through customs YESSS...
  12. R

    200watt - cfl - pakistan ryder - afghan kush ryder

    sorry to hear that man, did you try to put it back together with tape? these plants can survive a good thrashing, you can snap it and put it back together and it'll keep growing
  13. R

    Australian Seed Buyers

    check out the nirvana seed bank, I bought some a week ago, decent price and only took 1 week to arrive
  14. R

    If you only had 2-5 minutes before the cops came.....

    lol he ain't talkin about a kilo of weed
  15. R

    200watt - cfl - pakistan ryder - afghan kush ryder

    I think ryders like to have 20 hours light for the whole grow here's the original grow guide written by the guy who created them nice work on that reflector, I'm subscribed
  16. R

    200watt - cfl - pakistan ryder - afghan kush ryder

    are you gonna have 6 plants under that one light or add more? I'm about to start my grow 1 125w cfl 6700k and 1 100w cfl 2700k and that's only for one plant, I think I'm still gonna get some more smaller cfl's too
  17. R

    First Ever Grow. Closet + CFLs. Posts Welcome!!!

    look at the picture it's right next to a normal bulb and you can clearly see that it does fit in the same socket, and it's not a 300watt it's a 68watt I've got a 125watt cfl and it fits in the same size socket as a hps which is annoying
  18. R

    Dutch Master Replicator... any good?

    just wondering if this is any better then other rooting gels available? or are they all pretty much the same? I've noticed there is gels for hard/medium/soft plants, what would be best for weed? Dutch Master Replicator
  19. R

    auzzies who buy @ attitude look here!

    If you read the thread you'll see that I called them and they confirmed they no longer supply us aussies:evil: I also emailed them:
  20. R

    Buds for Less - first review

    I love this book, I'm about to start my first cfl grow and it's good to use as a reference. but....... has anyone on this forum ever managed to get such a huge yield with similar equipment and technique?