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  1. M

    First time drinking/drunk? first time drunk and high?

    my first time i drank it was some very light brown very watery stuff i think that was beer when i was like 14, probably not beer tho. second time, if this counts, was eating some chicken that was cooked with wine at olive garden, the chicken vino bianto or something, i was maybe 15. (btw that...
  2. M

    Texting while driving who does it.

    i was texting as i was coming into my neighborhood and while i was looking at the phone texting right after this turn my turn was too wide and i slammed into the back of a parked car outside of someones house, i was maybe 300yards from my house. totaled my car that i had for 3 years.
  3. M

    Paralyzed In Sleep

    its called sleep paralysis. wikipedia is ur friend. its 2009, nobody in the world has any excuse to ask any question about anything anymore since wikipedia was created
  4. M

    Moved and can't find a dealer

    QFT. but shes trying to avoid all risk
  5. M

    Moved and can't find a dealer

    well then just go to a bar and get to talking to some guys until u find one that smokes, then meet his dealer thru him, and ur done. ask to go buy some right after the bar then say "i gtg" so u dont have to sleep with him. boom, u have ur dealer i suggest u take advantage of the lax gun laws in...
  6. M

    Moved and can't find a dealer

    drive to a ghetto and ask the blacks for your drug of choice. always works. if ur latina then go to the mexican/cuban ghettos
  7. M

    I just smoked 12 hours ago and im in so much pain

    thats y i prefer pills. 2 vicodin and ur head is clear ur consciousness isnt fucked up, u just feel all warm inside
  8. M

    who believes nsa monitors you constantly

    like echelon, or all that stuff on enemy of the state/eagle eye/etc. who all believes things like that are true and go on? i do, but i dont stare into my webcam wondering if whoever will watch my records will be a dude or a babe. discuss. btw im 21, male, dontgiveashitaboutpoliticsarian...
  9. M

    I just smoked 12 hours ago and im in so much pain

    ya i am a noob to weed. i smoked another bowl just now (through water pipe not joint) and it felt alot better than yesterday. well water pipe highs are much smoother and mellower than the "a boulder fell on me" high i get from joints. but now i have this 2x2 inch and millimeter thick layer of...
  10. M

    I just smoked 12 hours ago and im in so much pain

    no the high pulsing through my whole body in that rhythmic way it does was almost causing me pain it was so intense is what i meant
  11. M

    I just smoked 12 hours ago and im in so much pain

    Ok first i smoked half a gram of some ghetto weed (mids) and towards the end of the joint i had to struggle to finish it, after smoking the last bit i litterally collapsed onto the floor and the last thing i wanted to do was move even a little. my head and body felt so heavy and i had lost all...
  12. M

    Augusta GA

    ya. i live in martinez, ga right on the border of evans and i went to evans high school. wahts up? am i getting ripped off or is the price of weed super high hear? i pay at around $40 a gram in the suburbs and $20 a gram in downtown augusta near broad street
  13. M

    History Channel "that's impossible" being invisible

    id rob banks and places and throw in a rape or 2 real fast in there somewhere
  14. M

    iPhone I bought was stolen..?

    whenver i see someone with an iphone or any fancy phone at a bar or some place i can escape out of easily i always ask if it is "unlocked." if they say ya then i talk about technology and stuff then later swipe it and sell it. currently im using a nokia n96 i swiped at a strip club
  15. M

    Am I the only one that likes couch lock?

    if by couch lock you mean those waves of orgasmic pleasure pulsating throughout your body that feel so good you dont want to move because u dont want to interrupt the feeling? i love that
  16. M

    Are international embargos and sanctions immoral?

    thats not what im hearing about his heir. but rumors among drunken afghan war vets are hardly solid intel. but there is currently quite a large surge of military personnell almost exclusively into germany and south korea. nobody can guess what high command is thinking. imminent war...
  17. M

    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    but theyre hideously ugly and malformed and toes are all twisted in terrifying angles. horrifying
  18. M

    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    we are a very self conscious and sex obsessed people. its in our genes im sure. although my great grandmother was white (british).
  19. M

    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    post pic pls
  20. M

    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    whats the problem? its a legit question, i was high and i dont think i look bad when high so i posted a pic in the "toke and talk" forum. what rules am i breaking why r u flaming me? im def hotter than u kaleo edit: and who is fez? ppl tell me i look like john stamos back when he did full house