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  1. H

    Light green/Yellowing discolorations Please Help!!!

    So you also agree it looks/sounds like a nute deficiency?
  2. H

    Light green/Yellowing discolorations Please Help!!!

    Thanks for the quick response! From what I've been reading everywhere most sources state that in a soil grow you shouldn't have a nute deficiency this early on in the grow. The compost and organic matter in the soil is supposed to be enough for the first month or more. Many people don't...
  3. H

    Light green/Yellowing discolorations Please Help!!!

    Soil - CIL Potting Soil, mixed with Pro-Mix seedling soil. Age - 2.5 weeks Runoff pH - 6.4 Watering pH - 6.8 Lights - 4 26watt Daylight cfls timed 24/0 Temps - 72Fto78F Relative Humidity - 35%to50% No nutrients added, soil contains some compost and humus. Jiffy pot planted directly...
  4. H

    Dirt BONE DRY - Please Help!

    WHEW! 4 out of five have come out of the soil so far. I found the jiffy pots/soil are drying faster than a loogie on a sidewalk in Mexico. So I took some sandwich bags, cut off the bottoms and put them around the pots. It seems to help a little. I am constantly around 35% RH, I've already...
  5. H

    Dirt BONE DRY - Please Help!

    Thanks for the (at least kinda positive) responses guys! I have always used the weight of the pots/soil to determine how dry the plants really is. My grandfather originally grew up in Poland as a farmer before being invaded by the Russians during WWII... they sent him and his family to...
  6. H

    Dirt BONE DRY - Please Help!

    just a little bump
  7. H

    Dirt BONE DRY - Please Help!

    Sorry I should have provided more info, fan is an exhaust fan on the closet grow box, and yes I have overwatered now, I can tell... I'll pour out the water in the little saucers the the pots sit in and keep my fingers crossed. Another piece of info is that they have not come out of the soil yet.
  8. H

    Dirt BONE DRY - Please Help!

    Germinated with the paper towel method. All five seeds popped and tap root emerged within 48hrs. I planted the 5 seeds in jiffy pots and watered well. Put them under cfls and turned on the fan. When I came home today after school the soil was bone dry, and the soil was pulled away from the...
  9. H

    Is my buddy going to jail?

    Lol a warrant for an arrest on probation usually means jail... even in Canada.
  10. H

    Omega Garden

    Holy crap :shock: Never thought they could produce!
  11. H

    Almost set for my first stealth grow

    Many of your questions can be answered in some basic research of the grow journals and guides, none the less I will try to give you a few answers from my own knowledge. Most weed is stinky once you enter flowering.... there are many strains that have slightly different/less smell, but it's...