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  1. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Here are some pictures of my babies, oh no, they're all grown up now. i am now flushing them and i got introduced to this new product to try. Supposedly you use it in the final 2 days of flush and it helps dehydrate the plant a little earlier and helps the cure process and finishes the product...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    well due to the fact that i might have shocked them a lot when i was potting and repotting them, i was suppose to flower TODAY but because of the stress, i pushed it back to next mon or tues. i know i gotta clear out the bottom leaves and start to clone off some of the bottom stems. but i...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Day 23, they look awesome. had to move them around cuz i had two runts and some of the hindu's were still recovering from shock while the white widows were all good. Went to a ppm of 810-820, 5.8ph. Included some photos of the best looking White Widow (photo w/ 2 next to one another) & Hindu...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Pictures from Day 11, not much going on but... take a look below....
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Thanks for the compliment but something has happened!!! i didn't water yesterday because the soil was too moist and today i walked in and the humidity was down to nearly 30% but the soil was dry. so i watered them today with the 50% recommended nutes. The levels that i watered them at were...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Today i was going to water my babies with now 50% recommended of cutting edge nutes but i had a buddy come over yesterday and told me i might be over watering them. So because they like to be thirsty more than anything, im going to skip watering today and have them keep on soaking up the...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Day 7, watered at 5.8ph / 750 ppm. nothing new, babies are just sprouting new leaves. I have included pictures of the one hindu with the leaves turning sideways. its a bad picture but you can see one of the leaves' backside facing upwards. what should i do with that leaf? Also i have...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Day 6, and they just sprouted new lil leaves at the top. on a feeding schedule of 5.8 ph / 760 ppm + 1/2 the recommended amount of SUPERthrive There is one baby of mine that has it's leaves turned upside down, i thought it was weird, it's one of the hindu kushs. the leaves are kinda dry to...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    i have not tried those yet. i've heard of all those cuz my friend loves botanicare. What does each of them do? Today is day 4 for me and i repotted them lower and today i fed them at 5.9 ph / 750 ppm / 72 degress and i also added superthrive. 2 gallons was all my 20 lil babies needed...
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    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Welcome to my journal blueberry! Your setup looks awesome btw! i am NOT using soil, im using COCO mix in w/ additives (Botanicare's soil-LESS moisture mixture). the system i am doing is coco as the medium and im handwatering just cuz the space is so small and i want to love my plants lol
  11. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Also, i am running the lights at 18/6, not 24, just cuz i'm copying one of my buddy's schedule and he has the same coco medium and nutes. just thought i'd follow someone else's blueprint before experimenting too much?
  12. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    for right now it is light proof except for the small light leak where the air vents are but luckily for me, the trays are above the vents and the trays stretch out longer than for the plants to sense light so hopefully it'll be fine. i love the idea of black caulk. i thought i was...
  13. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Day 2. Fed at 5.9-6.0 ph / 710-730 ppm / 70 deg water. am i on the right feeding schedule? i only water once a day one hour after the light has come on. ***on a side note. the water im using is tap and after running airstones for 24 hrs, the water is 8.0-8.1 ph / 300-310ppm / 68 deg
  14. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    im not using soil. im using botanicare's coco moisture mix formula. do you think i possibly overwatered them? that's a sign of drooping leaves right?
  15. W

    Sun Hut XXL, 1200w numerous strains...Here we grow!

    can i ask what your ppm level was when you watered your plants? im doing coco and my ppm level was at 710, you think that's too high? it seems like some of my babies are starting to droop =(
  16. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    I am pulling from the bottom of the room that the hut is in and the air temperature outside the hut is around 70-72 degrees. i think i got temperature issue fixed. I bought a 4 inch inline and am pulling air now and pushing it into the room right under a 18" fan that is oscillating. Right...
  17. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    The ducting that is cooling the lights are all pretty much on the same level plane. There is probably 2-3 feet of ducting intaking air into the first light,then another 2-3 feet of ducting going directly into another light, and then maybe 1-2 feet of ducting into the fan. then probably 6 feet...
  18. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    can anyone direct me to some semi cheap UV light safety glasses i can wear when dealing with my babies when the hps and hid lights are on? thanks everyone!
  19. W

    Sun Hut XXL, 1200w numerous strains...Here we grow!

    what's up shipinit, im over here in california and have the newer version of the sunhut xxl 4x8. i am running 2 x 1000 watt lights but using coco and not soil. was wondering if we could help one another with venting issues? my 2 x 1000 watts is creating nearly a 90degree heat issue. i have...
  20. W

    SunHut 4x8, 2x1000, coco w/ cutting edge nutes, 1st hydro grow, please comment!

    Hello everyone!! This is my first Hydro grow experience. I am legally growing my garden in California under Prop 215 & SB 420. My "room" setup is: - Sun Hut 4' x 8' (new silver one) - 2 x 1000 watts with lumatek digital ballasts - 2 x Sun System Hood w/ 6" air ducts - 1 x 6" Dragon carbon...