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  1. Drio

    Why Is There Mold On My.....

    It depends on the mold if its dangerous. It is not okey to inhale mould , but in a well mixed weed you might kill most of them by fire before they reach you. The major danger is allergic reaction ,- There are a few uncommon types of mould that grow on cannabis and are toxic. The symptoms are...
  2. Drio

    At loss of words.

    I foilar fed them veg nutrients containing high Mg. After that i remixed nutrients at 5.7 Ph and 2.2 EC Alot more flowering and veg nutes in ratio to the micro nutes. And yea ,- i love Coco for its forgiveness. You simply cant go wrong with it. - Ive bin playing with the idea...
  3. Drio

    At loss of words.

    Hehe ,- Ezu you wanna see how big they are :> I think youll be pleasantly suprised.
  4. Drio

    At loss of words.

    Okey guyz. Lets get this straight here ,- I thought i made a really good first post but it seems more explenation are needed. I grow in Coco ,- and i waterfeed flush once a day in 15 liter containers with °C freshly mixed nutrients. There is no shortage of 02 in my medium. Quite the opposite...
  5. Drio

    At loss of words.

    Thx for the fast reply Eza :) Ill head out to 2morrow n try n get my hands on some >.< Foilar feeding sounds like a plan since i don't have access to cleaner water as it is.- I considered melting snow <.<
  6. Drio

    At loss of words.

    I may not be the most experienced Marijuana grower ,- but ive done my share so bare with me. - This is the first time i have problems. A few weeks ago , - i put a number of plants into flowering. 4 GWS GHS , 2 Hawaiian Snow GHS along with a random Sativa hybrid. They are at 4 weeks of...
  7. Drio

    Buds Drying Too Fast, Smells Like Hay... Help!

    Curing is absolutely essential. Normally my weed smells like hey until 3rd week of curing. And if i want it to be tasty it needs months.
  8. Drio

    Where can I find c-99 seeds? (bros grimm)

    Sounds good. I wanna grow them in a compact but large hydro... thinking 40 plant system and since i have lots of space to veg im just wondering how long would be optimal... Since they have this fine indica growth i guess that settles it.
  9. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Guys , can you help me find a ph nutrient uptake table? Ive bin searching the forums for hours n still cant find that blasted graph.
  10. Drio

    1g per watt question

    The measurement of g's per watt is merely an estimation to compare efficiency of a grow. There are millions of methods out there for growing and everyone likes to think of them selfs as the greatest grower.- Generally speaking the measurement usually refers to the wattage used in flowering...
  11. Drio

    Where can I find c-99 seeds? (bros grimm)

    Is it possible to grow this strain relatively large or is its main benefit found in the SOG method? Anyone know any grows with a 1 month veg'd C99?
  12. Drio

    Got a few questions for you Pro's on here, help GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

    I would read up on Stinkbuds system. You could also daber a bit with SOG. 200 plants... thats pretty hardcore. This aint as easy as it looks :) Dno if you have experience though
  13. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    O hai. No movement in the apartment hunting , pretty much stuck in this lousy house atm... This is turning out to be a major delay for the plans >.< Sorry i couldnt get a journal up sooner :P Ill get this stinkbud sog up soon -_- i promise. Nice to see your moms growing well like that Gypsy...
  14. Drio

    Crack Recipes?

    There are infinite amount of ways to make crack and i doubt your "friend" had problems making it , rather he wasnt introducing enough heat while smoking. Its the most common mistake people do. MDMA , Cocaine , Meth and speed... i don't see why they should not be allowed in this forum if other...
  15. Drio

    white rhno first grow

    With that 400w we are gonna see some action ;D Happy growing , beautiful girls.
  16. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    holy crap. the only bush i like.
  17. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Technically <.< No ,- But potential SCROG ;D
  18. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Its the only type of Bush i like ;D --- And yes , yes it does >.<
  19. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    They are awesome. As simple as that.
  20. Drio

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    mm , the more i hear about her the more i wanna give her a try ;) This looks fairly nice but im quite skeptical about seed banks and commercial breeders... I think most of them just slap a cool name on bagseeds and ship. Ive bin wanting...