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  1. T

    How much longer do i have? ( pics )

    LOL at the magnifying glass. He's gonna need at least 40x magnification to really tell. If you have a pair of binoculars around put your buds right up to the eyepeice and put your eye right up to the big lense on the other side, instant microscope.
  2. T

    squirrels!!!!!!!!!! ER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Buy a big bag of unsalted peanuts. They should be pretty cheap at your local grocery for the lowest quality bulk pack. Put a few piles of nuts around your roses about a foot away to keep the squirrels off em. They'll go after the worst peanuts before eating the best plants any day.
  3. T

    Bleach + water curing

    Are you a complete moron? First you say its ok for his mom to let him grow, than you say someone else should have their kids taken away because they looked at a pot website. You seem to miss the point, like most morons. HIS MOM TOLD HIM TO GET RID OF IT, HE DIDN'T. AS A RESULT OF HIS...
  4. T

    Bleach + water curing

    I know it's not a narcotic and you know it's not a narcotic, but when the judge signs the order saying the city now owns your house, it will say "due to the illegal manufacturing of narcotics." I had an absolutely fabulous childhood, mostly due to my mother, thats why it pisses me of a lot to...
  5. T

    Bleach + water curing

    "Damn Bitch"?!?! After providing you with a place to live, food on your plate, clothes on your back and devoting years of her life to you, you pull crap like this, even though you knew she didn't want you to. It's HER HOUSE, not yours. Get your own fucking place to live before you whine...
  6. T

    Roadtrip????????? FUCK YEAH!!

    You need to set your camera to "macro" mode Most cameras show this mode as a picture of a flower. It is designed for up close shots.
  7. T

    One White Widow, One Purple Widow

    You should be able to set your camera to "macro" mode. Most cameras show this mode as a little picture of a flower. Set your camera to that mode and you will be able to get close up , pretty pictures of anything.