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  1. C

    LED lighting

    Hey man, was this recent, do you know where they came from? what kind of ratio of wavelengths he had going on? I'm after as much info as poss.
  2. C

    something is wrong with my ladies. i need help.

    I'm told flushing the medium though once every three or four weeks is essential to wash out any salts that have accumulated from over feeding of nutes, not sure if symptoms start at leaf tips but yellowing /wilting was the warning sign. Doesn't zinc only need to be trace? Surely zinc is in...
  3. C

    LED lighting

    lots of info, cheers. I'm trying to find out which wavelengths are important enough to add to the panel, you know we've got our 425ish nm, 450nm, 630 and 660nm which all produce peaks on the chlorophyll A chlorophyl B and photosynthesis graphs, has anyone tested enough to know if the 450 and...
  4. C

    LED lighting

    Hi all, what is the current opinions on LED lighting (specifically 300W from china) as your main source for the entire grow room? All I've found so far is outdated by a year or two... I'm thinking coverage, spectrum wavelengths and general efficiency