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  1. Hobthebob

    Stories While High?

    sorry for the insults man, two wrongs don't make a right. Thanks for thinking it an entertaining story, now write one for me to be entertained! Like halfway through the story I forgot about princess edmond...
  2. Hobthebob

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Your site rocks, thanks for all the help lately.
  3. Hobthebob

    Black Dots

    It's on the top of the leaf.
  4. Hobthebob

    Black Dots

    haha nope. I take that as a they're not supposed to be there. The lamps copuld be too hot for the lamp lights and some of the black paint could be melting off... lol
  5. Hobthebob

    Is This Acurate Info?

    I've heard worms can help. They tunnel through the soil and help your roots breath and grow. Before I started growing I looked into that and found multiple sources that said worms can help your root structure and overall growth of the plant. "Worm Water" is the secretion from a worm and is...
  6. Hobthebob

    Black Dots

    I have found a black spot on one of my leaves. The first time I found this black spot I rubbed it off and it was in some sort of liquid form. It looks like concentrated tar but I don't smoke in my grow area and the air is cleaned too. I also can't take a pic of it because my camera sucks but...
  7. Hobthebob

    first time growing (Lighting)

    You're partially correct I think... If you do 18/6 for the first couple weeks, then start 24/7 light the plants grow rapidly. This is just from my personal experience so far though.
  8. Hobthebob

    the best song when ur high

    "Flying" -The Beatles
  9. Hobthebob

    disappointed in seeds

    The plants don't look fully matured. Is that because you're using the SOG method? I have six plants going right now but they're all much farther along than those, do you think it makes a difference if you keep them in veg longer?
  10. Hobthebob

    Stories While High?

    Each to their own I guess, I won't call you a loser for watching cartoons when ur high as long as you don't call me a loser for writing stories :p :peace:
  11. Hobthebob

    The story of 'the runt'

    I have the same problem. My runt's shell casing didn't come off and as soon as I realized it wouldn't I took it off myself. She's healthy now because I made sure to give her plenty of direct light, unfortunately though she's still much smaller than the other five. All I did was give her plenty...
  12. Hobthebob

    What's wrong with this plant?

    what do you mean? OOH you mean to the paint supplies in the background? Maybe... but I rotate my plants around and that one is the only burned plant.
  13. Hobthebob

    What's wrong with this plant?

    The only reason I say 2 table spoons is because the original container the nutes were in is long gone, replaced by a cheap plastic container for yogurt. I'll check the ph, thanks.
  14. Hobthebob

    What's wrong with this plant?

    Miracle gro potting soil, purified water with some custom under-the-sink built-in filterer, and the nutes.... Some green stuff that I add two very small spoonfills to a huge watering jug every other watering or so. I stopped the nutrients a few waterings ago because I thought that may have been...
  15. Hobthebob

    1st week of flowering

    Just make sure those leaves have plenty of light and air. I was trying to train one of my plants and I ended up snapping the stem so I tied the stem to keep it upright. Luckily the plant revived and has been thriving but due to the stress a few leaves turned yellow. Now after a couple weeks the...
  16. Hobthebob

    What's wrong with this plant?

    I added lime because I figured the ph might be screwed. I've heard different things about lime though, the main reason I got it was because I thought it would neutralize the acidity. Maybe i'll get some ph strips. Otherwise she looks pretty healthy eh?
  17. Hobthebob

    What's wrong with this plant?

    Shortly after I put nutes in my water this started happening to the leaves of this plant. I flushed the plant a couple times but nothing changed. Most of the new leaves have the same discoloration as this. Any tips?
  18. Hobthebob

    Stories While High?

    Well there are always going to be critics.... I don't see you using your imagination and creativity, you're probably one of those guys who gets high and does absolutely nothing to improve the health of your soul. You probably sit around and do nothing.... OOPS my bad, I just looked at your...
  19. Hobthebob

    Paintbrush Only

    Like it?
  20. Hobthebob

    Stories While High?

    Have you ever written a story while high? I don't really play any instruments so I can't be creative in that way, but I have created a few stories. This two part story I made one night when I was bored so I tried cough syrup just to see what it would feel like. I know it should be in some...