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  1. mmachild

    250watt hps is it worth it?

    400 watt hps with 100 watt fan and filter set up ul get 6 decent plants on the go man... ps anyone know if a fish tank ph nutraliser would work for a hydro system, they dont kill fish so yea haha anyone tried it?
  2. mmachild

    How am I doing?

    looks good yea could be streaching abit maybe put ur lights closer next time man. ive got 1 i need some veiws on my first seed (wich didnt die) some dutch master gold and 400 watt hps phillips son-t, around 3 weeks into flowering how does she look? just bagseed any got any1 got an idea on what sort?
  3. mmachild

    My plant day 17 hows she doing ?? comments and tips WANTED. :)

    looks like its goin ok stem looks fairly thick 4 2 weeks old
  4. mmachild

    I think I F#cked up my Grow set up...

    i think if u have a heater in the bottom tub it should still work ok correct me if im wrong someone who knows more about easy cloners??? otherwise it would work well as a little sog setup
  5. mmachild

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    gday all just wondering if any big crops have been posted on this thread? i read about 20 pages then skipped to the end some very nice looking plants going around but come on fellas surely there some people from new south or qld with MASSIVE plods reading this, make a new user and post it from...