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  1. sungrowinflorida

    F**K!!! F**K!!! F**K!!!…. I missed the gawwd damn Girl Scout Cookie Sale AGAIN!

    Hey Florida Gurl, I live in Ocala, FL (I-75) North of Orlando... Anyway All of the Wal-Marts around here are selling your prized cookies. Look into it! (Update) - They are selling out front, not inside.. lol -Kyle
  2. sungrowinflorida

    My girl let the damn contractor in the growroom!!

    Hey. Sounds like you have some good stuff. Sucks she would do that. I know for a fact my wife wouldn't even come close to letting some one in the house, let alone the grow room. Good luck man!
  3. sungrowinflorida

    Are these what I think they are???

    Yeah, Bud! Looking good. Nice and Bushy
  4. sungrowinflorida

    First Post Can I get Opinons On First Plant

    read me post. it should help
  5. sungrowinflorida

    First Post Can I get Opinons On First Plant

    Nice plant man, No the spots could be from the fertilizer you are using.. also make sure your dirt dries out completely before watering it again. if using Fluorescent lighting, bring it down closer to the plant