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  1. bloodstreamfullagreen

    Bump If You're Baked!

    a definant bump here:eyesmoke:
  2. bloodstreamfullagreen

    Lets do the IQ Test again... seems like ppl have said its good ! Post it up !

    yo i guess im a fuckin dip shit cause i got a 90 well i aleast im between average and low it could be alot lower but it could also be alot higher
  3. bloodstreamfullagreen

    Weird? Pot Helps Deal With Life's Problems?

    i think your rite in about 50% of the cases but everything has a statistic i had anger an dpression problems pot pot relaxes them ithink if u had them in the first place it cures them and if you didnt it gives them to you
  4. bloodstreamfullagreen

    People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.

    just because a some people write down a list of thing that god wants them to do an live by those gudelines to further feel closer to the one they worship and there differnt then the thousands of groups that do the same isnt sufficent evidence to prove that god doesnt exisit you might have prove...