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  1. W

    unlucky plant :(

    Hi! This poor plant had a super start until it flowered... Spider mites infestation and now this yellowing that goes on and never stops. I'm removing the yellows as they come, but at this point i'm asking to you why is this happening.. I'm growing in light mix, forbidden runtz auto, biobizz...
  2. W

    Nutrient schedule clarification

    Thanks mate! I guessed so and feeded every watering, but i'm growing in soil light mix and i felt the plant overwhelmed.. I guess to follow the schedule literally you'd need a thriving monster
  3. W

    Nutrient schedule clarification

    Hi guys, I'm new here. I struggle with this question: if my nutes schedule says week 1 1ml/l does it mean i have to feed that nute concentration on every watering done that week? Or that it needs just 1ml? Or that just once a week 1ml/l for as much water as needed than plain water? What's your...