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  1. jhuff

    Sick plant!! Need help!!!

    anyways i harvested my plant 3 days ago and attempted to rejuvenate it or whatever i read some shit and it said leave like all the leaves you can and stuff so i did and they have slowly been wilting away from top to bottom. now every leaf on the plant is wilted the top half is crispy...
  2. jhuff

    1st time grow 32 days flowering with pics

    does anyone know what strain this is or anything about what kind this is? i just grabbed some seeds out of a bag full of bagseeds and planted them so i dont know anything about it. any advice that anyone has would be greatly appreciated!
  3. jhuff

    1st time grow 31 days flowering w/ pics

    what does your closet setup look like? and its not that i cant afford an HPS i was just trying to keep a low utilities bill haha...i guess a few more CFL's couldnt hurt thought, right? how many plants do you have... i have one more im pretty sure its a sativa its growing taller and taking a bit...
  4. jhuff

    1st time grow 31 days flowering w/ pics

    yeah i know but i have limited space and i'm trying to do this as cheap as possible it started out as me being bored and messing around and when they actually started to grow i just got more and more into it... i have only put about $60 into the whole thing. and i'm just using shultz bloom...
  5. jhuff

    1st time grow 31 days flowering w/ pics

    its under 3 66 watt CFL's. i don't really know much about this i think i just got lucky...
  6. jhuff

    1st time grow 31 days flowering w/ pics

    just wondering if i'm doing an okay job and how much time they have until they're ready to harvest?? like i said its a first time grow don't really know anything except what i have read on here.
  7. jhuff

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    very pretty trees man
  8. jhuff

    how much longer haha!!

    so its my first time growing i just switched lights to 12/12 two days ago after about 2 months of long till they show signs of sex?
  9. jhuff

    need some help

    thanks man i've never saw that about the seeds that could come in handy...anyways i started 12/12 lights two days ago after a little more than 2 months of veg how long until they should start showing either male or female parts?? i'm sure i didn't need to say it buy yeah this is my first time...
  10. jhuff

    need some help

    i've been told that male plants mature way faster than females...don't really know if thats true or not but anyways are there any ways to tell the sex before flowering??