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  1. The Banterer

    Trip ideas

    Never dropped acid but I'd imagine Magical Mystery Tour would be pretty good. Maybe have some strawberries on hand for "Strawberry Fields Forever". I'm really stoned right and it's pretty sweet high so...who knows.
  2. The Banterer

    Cool picture thread

    Some Pics from Big Bend Ranch S.P.
  3. The Banterer

    Trippiest Things To Do While High On The Bud

    George Clinton and P-Funk concert. Quite an experience.
  4. The Banterer

    is this a bad trip for JUST weed? And did i smoke past my limit?

    I had somewhat similar symptoms the first couple of times I really got high (this was smoking shwag too). Anything that I wasn't totally focused on was sort of like a lite bright where I couldn't see very well. I quickly discovered that these were great times to put on some headphones and space...
  5. The Banterer

    College parties....

    I used to hit the big parties more often, but I can't really enjoy them without getting super drunk, which always resulted in feeling awful the next day. After a while I just got tired of it, so I generally just stick to smoking with a few friends now and (very) occasionally hitting a bar.
  6. The Banterer

    Meltdown liquid gets you high?

    I thought all that stuff was fake.
  7. The Banterer

    anyone else have a great stoner moment

    Just talking about the medical effects, I've had trouble sleeping forever (like I can lay in bed a couple hours at night). Anyway, once I started smoking pot I can actually get to sleep (and sleep very soundly), even better than sleeping pills, which have always had very mixed results for me. It...
  8. The Banterer

    Ghosts, anyone?

    Yeah, I kind of got the idea from her interview that maybe she was using this whole "haunting" as a means to rationalize her family's struggles.
  9. The Banterer

    Ghosts, anyone?

    Not a personal experience but on Coast to Coast AM the other night, they had on the real world woman whose family was affected from "A Connecticut Haunting". She talked about how her sons were basically terrorized by these spirits, some of which were human (they were living in what used to a...
  10. The Banterer

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    Normally ice water here, though Dr Pepper if I'm feeling festive.
  11. The Banterer

    What cha puffin?

    Just smoked a spliff with some Trainwreck. Feeeeeeeeeling gooood, dude. :joint: Almost a little too intense at first.
  12. The Banterer

    Obama orders Chevy and Dodge out of Nascar!!!

    KLBJ, the main talk radio station here in Austin, spent about 40 minutes this afternoon discussing this policy and fielding several callers discussing this before they realized it was an April Fool's Day joke. It's amazing how those in the media will report things without any sort of hard fact.
  13. The Banterer

    Obama orders Chevy and Dodge out of Nascar!!!

    My bad dude. Never like to ruin someone else's gag.
  14. The Banterer

    Obama orders Chevy and Dodge out of Nascar!!!

    The survey says that this is an April Fool's day joke. Their link to Car and Driver just links to their main page, not an actual story. Usually this kind of stuff gets me, but this year I've been looking for it (and unfortunately not stoned, which definitely makes me less gullible). Did a...
  15. The Banterer

    Sleeping with pot

    I got to the point where taking a normal dosage of sleeping pills didn't help me get to sleep at all (almost made it worse because I would constantly think about getting to sleep), and taking any more made me feel terrible. If I ever live in an MMJ state, I think I have a fairly legit reason for...
  16. The Banterer

    What cha puffin?

    Thought I'd share my first pic for 4:20am.
  17. The Banterer

    my cousin went into respitory arrest from smoking too much!!!!!!

    Had me going too. Just when you announced that it was an April Fool's Day joke I was expecting some sort of full-scale meltdown. Well played.
  18. The Banterer

    Sleeping with pot

    No kidding. Nothing helps me get to sleep (with or without morning grogginess) like pot. Makes me feel a lot better in the mornings.
  19. The Banterer

    Sleeping with pot

    I find that whenever I go to sleep stoned, I just sleep really hard and wake up feeling refreshed. That's probably the biggest reason I became a regular patient of Dr. Ganj, is that I used to have a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Nothing that a bowl or two can't help.
  20. The Banterer

    explain what it feals like to be REALLY high.

    When I first started smoking and would get massively blazed (off like one bowl of shwag, I swear) I remember getting an absolutely incredible tingling. I was also totally living in the present (you all know what I'm talking about), where I couldn't remember what had happened a couple seconds...