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  1. Buddaboyo

    Is my seedling healthy?

    Transplant asop because the tap root is going to grow rapidly now and you do not want to restrict it. Good germ, now transplant to it's final home. Good luck
  2. Buddaboyo

    Anyone ever grow these seeds before?

    OG is a very nice plant that's pretty easy to grow Huckafuckberry never heard of. :)
  3. Buddaboyo

    Calcium Deficiency? Did I do this right?

    7.8 ph is not that wacky and it will definitely not affect your plants overnight. Just go back to 7.0 and all is good. Watch out for your N levels though especially in bloom where the N should/could be reduced anyway. P is important now for bud development. K can be increased a little now also...
  4. Buddaboyo

    Do you keep or remove unhappy leaves caused by deficiencies?

    If the leaves that are withering don't block the light going to a bud site, I leave them and let nature follow it's course. When the are truly done, they will drop on their own.
  5. Buddaboyo

    Climate in the 21st Century

    2021= Highest temperatures ever recorded on Earth 2022 = Highest temps ever recorded, beating 2021 2023 = reached 2 degrees Centigrade warmer than pre-industrial. 2024 = already is the hottest year ever recorded I don't like this trend Start looking for another planet?