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    Whats going on with my females

    Thank you! I see where I am going wrong now. I will give nutes then Wednesday I'll transplant them in 15 gallon buckets and water them.
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    Whats going on with my females

    My plants are so much more yellow today.. plan on giving it the nutes in needs in the AM
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    Whats going on with my females

    Tomorrow morning I plan on giving my girls the nutes they need. My soil should be dry enough for feeding. I made a rookie move. My plants are in a greenhouse and I just discovered white mold on the ground. Instead of taking out my plants and risking the neighbors plus damaging them I left them...
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    Whats going on with my females

    Omg thank you, great to know! Your plant is beautiful
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    I sprayed white vinegar in my greenhouse

    Hello growers, I found white mold on my greenhouse ground. Instead of taking the plants out and risk people seeing them and possibly damaging them I just turned off the fan and sprayed the ground with white vinegar. I am now realizing that people use this for weed control oh no! I turned my fan...
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    Whats going on with my females

    Thank you very much mandocat. Makes me feel much more comfortable with my grow. I am interested in the way you have your plants layered with mulch and hay, why is that? What are the benefits?
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    Whats going on with my females

    I think I'm giving water and nutes tonight. What you think about these leaves. There were worse ones but I cut them off today.
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    Whats going on with my females

    I've watered them lastnight, today pots feel dry little moist deep down tomorrow is heat advisory again. Not sure because of my yellow leaves I want to give nutes but don't want to create more yellowing
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    Whats going on with my females

    These are in 5 gallon pots, maybe I went wrong there, thanks for the tips next year will go bigger and better.
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    Whats going on with my females

    Also I just got done clipping about 8 leaves off it before I even sent you the picture.. every week I've been cutting 8-12 leaves off the 1 plant
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    Whats going on with my females

    The first picture is orange cream, the next is blueberry OG. Not sure on the strain tbh got them from a buddy.
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    Whats going on with my females

    I really wish I had waited.. but I just gave them 1 gallon each water. In 2 days I will feed hopefully I don't make them worse. Thanks for the reply
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    Whats going on with my females

    Hello growers, my first year and I keep fighting with my 2 plants getting yellow at the bottom. I've let the soil dry out completely. 2 days ago gave them cal mag. I use fox farm big grow and big bloom. I'm 2 weeks Into flowering. I give nutes every other watering. I'm not sure if I'm giving to...
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    Do my plants have diseases? Please help

    Thank you so much guys, last thing I'm stressing over right now. I used a product called Ally crop defender I sprayed it all over the crop, with the pistils that turned brown (maybe they burned) will they fall off and new ones grow or will I be smoking them? Thanks
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    Do my plants have diseases? Please help

    I just removed some of the new growth that I circled in the photo and it is definitely bud rott. Why so early? Also 2 days ago I sprayed ally crop defender during the night when the weather was below 90, during the day the weather hit 93. But all of the white pistils on the plant are turning...
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    Do my plants have diseases? Please help

    Are my plants diseased? I'm going to water them but why is the stalk turning colors and texture it's like a deer antler. And why is new growth turning brown at the base? What can I do?