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  1. Jordantrip

    4th week of flower first photoperiod plant

    Yeah I thought that but I can't complain, I have had very little problems with her.
  2. Jordantrip

    4th week of flower first photoperiod plant

    This is my first S.A.D plant, what do you all think of its development?
  3. Jordantrip

    Trimming and spreading out.

    Day 10 of flower, full steam ahead!
  4. Jordantrip

    Trimming and spreading out.

    Thanks, I hadn't any idea how it would turn out as soon as I tied those first few back it started to look like what I've seen before.
  5. Jordantrip

    Trimming and spreading out.

    It's a photo and this is the end result I think she'll be okay.
  6. Jordantrip

    Trimming and spreading out.

    This is a better before picture in the first picture I posted I had trimmed the bottom and In the second picture I had spread the plant out.
  7. Jordantrip

    Trimming and spreading out.

    I'll add that most of the bottom leaves weren't getting light and were showing signs of deficiencies and I'm on day 5 of flower.
  8. Jordantrip

    Trimming and spreading out.

    I've just trimmed and spread out my plant, I didn't over do it did I? I don't think I did just looking for a second opinion. Before and after down below.
  9. Jordantrip

    What is next?

    I see, thanks for the heads up.
  10. Jordantrip

    What is next?

    Yes these are the ones I can find, quite pricey nearly £15 a seed I reckon that will be one to try next year.
  11. Jordantrip

    What is next?

    I'll have a look at that and the black domina, I'm thinking of starting another one very soon to coincide with this one.
  12. Jordantrip

    What is next?

    Thanks and I'll update again when the buds start to form and then around week 6.
  13. Jordantrip

    What is next?

    Oh aye I can't wait and it'll be a nice Christmas present.
  14. Jordantrip

    What is next?

    Thought I'd throw an update up, I've passed the Veg stage she is now in her 5th day of Flowering I've ran into some minor problems mostly just the learning curve of it though. I've actually had a few people try and put me off doing it which is bizarre to say the least, anyway despite what people...
  15. Jordantrip

    Should I switch to 12/12 now or wait another few days

    Yea I see they have a good reputation, I'll invest in one in the future.
  16. Jordantrip

    Should I switch to 12/12 now or wait another few days

    Honestly it's a bit too much for me at the minute, but for future grow I'll invest in one, I've tried to keep costs down to a minimum for my first grow just in case things didn't work out.
  17. Jordantrip

    Should I switch to 12/12 now or wait another few days

    I think I'll just get a filter for £40 it will be a lot easier.
  18. Jordantrip

    Should I switch to 12/12 now or wait another few days

    I feared that may be a problem, I've just been solving problems as I come across them and there is a very sweet fragrance already, yes I'm in a terraced house. What is the gel method?
  19. Jordantrip

    Should I switch to 12/12 now or wait another few days

    Well all I can say is, his teachings must be good, you were that high you thought it was someone else haha. I've tried to find it and being in the UK it may be difficult to get, luckily I'm a crafty pirate though, i'll get hold of a copy.
  20. Jordantrip

    Should I switch to 12/12 now or wait another few days

    No way, I'll look for the second edition