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  1. bballin420

    Duffle bag grow box

    so these are grown plants or just little babys because if they are just newborns no foil should be needed. but if they are older please dont use foil use mylar becuase all tinfoil does is gives the plants burn spots :sad: good luck man, and the tin foil will definatly get fuckin hot.
  2. bballin420

    LSD bad mix with prozac?

    Me and a buddy are wanting to try some lsd. im in it for a spiritual experience im not sure bout him. Right now i am prescribed 20 mgs of prozac (which i shouldnt even be prescribed to) :neutral: And was wondering if anybody knows if this could be a bad mix with LSD? any help is...
  3. bballin420

    how much light for a swamp grow

    sounds like you got it undercontrol. really interesting. never heard of such a thing. later :bigjoint:
  4. bballin420

    what do you deep fry?

    My favorites are deepfied sweet potatoes, tortilla burrito wraps, burritos, and ice cream. all you gotta do for the ice cream is make a batter outa cornflakes. nummmmmm :hump:
  5. bballin420

    how much light for a swamp grow

    sounds like southern georgia to me. yeah. deffinatly with be able to grow there and i wouldnt go as far as fucking with the ecosystem but maybe help your babies out by topping the trees surrounding the area? explain this swamp tube idea? i am clueles to what that is. any more question i'll do...
  6. bballin420

    Might get to tall

    yeah that looks like a sativa hybrid. that explains how its taller. the others i bet are pobly indicas. or mostly indica. what lights you using. cuz the heat from the lamp might actually make it so you will have to get it out of ther even sooner than you think. good luck :blsmoke:
  7. bballin420

    Legalization in california (Bill AB 390)

    thats great they are voting so soon. i kinda expected them to vote in like 2010. I would think that the penalties would be just as harsh a a kid helping tend to a tobacco field for sale and production. Selling to a minor i would guess they would get a fine and court date just like alcohol...
  8. bballin420

    Full LED closet grow of Top44

    you can count me in for watching this. ive always wondered if these things worked or if they were pieces of crap. good luck peace :peace:
  9. bballin420

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    that completely put a different view on things for me. i guess i now agree with that theory
  10. bballin420

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    I think that god is the soul creator of marijuana if their is such a thing as god. Once reading the new testaments many references are pointed towards what many stoners think is talking about weed. This could be true, and it might not be. Personally i think it is true. the invisionment of god is...
  11. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    Well we had a little panic these last few days. and due to the consiquences of an evil real estate worker one 3 are left for this flouro grow. i guess im out to buy some seeds. so i pretty much have to start ALLLL over again. at least the other grows are safe :finger:
  12. bballin420

    New Pot Ninja!

    i like how that guys story about how he grew in an abandon house and his grow got found turned into a comic. hahaha theres so many pot ninja storys on here now
  13. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    heres a couple pics of the the 3 that are doing best it was way to bright to take pics in the grow room so i took them to the...
  14. bballin420

    Looking for Outdoor Growers- WA, Oregon Area

    you should start a journal, I might just learn something. :blsmoke: i hope it goes good im plantin 30 or more later in the season, all my babies died in the snow :shock:
  15. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    all the little girls are doin great so far, most are on their second set of true leaves and growing in their tri-leaf. its funny, cuz these seedlings are doign just as well as any other grow ive done under HPS lights. keep posted, their on their second week, they should start getting some...
  16. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    Update: sorry havent been on here for a while. the grow is doing fine, the leaves look a little messed up though. nothin to worry about though i dont think. one is working on its second set of true leaves, the rest are still on their first set of true leaves. the grow im trying is doing...
  17. bballin420

    Fox farm grow big SOIL to use in HYDRO?

    i would totally do that but they dont carry it :cry: so im thinkin im guna return it then try a different store. still wish it would work for it though
  18. bballin420

    Fox farm grow big SOIL to use in HYDRO?

    I went to mcdanials do it center today and picked up some tiger bloom and some GROW BIG from foxfarm. Unlike the tiger bloom it doesnt say if it can be used for hydro and the store didnt carry any others. the amount of nutes are 6-4-4 Thats way different than the "special" hydro GROW BIG. So...
  19. bballin420

    Fox Farm Nutes

    I am using an aergarden for my grow and fox farm just keeps showin up for nutes. I was wondrin what fox farm nutes to use, and for what stage of growing. thanks for the help :bigjoint:
  20. bballin420

    People found my plants!!!!!

    save the weed! dont let those strangers fondle your babys like they grew them since they seedlings. Im liking this ninja idea. haaha