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    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    guys one last minute question, i will work with a washing-machine as frenchy... would you drop the plant material directly into the mashine (into ice water) or would you cover it with the 220µm bag?
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Am I alone with this issue? Or is this to quick, to set the humidity to 62%-55%? If I would go down stepwise, i think the humidifier wouldn't run 24/7. I tested it quickly 72-65% and it seemed better. However.. Changed the setup now to my glycerol-setup.
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Do you have the same issue? I loaded my wine fridge with more buds which leads to a lot of dehumidifier activity. Unfortunately it seems like my wine fridge can’t cool against it. Is that a sign for peltier degeneration?
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Be careful that you don’t drill a hole into gas insulated walls as I have it. Instead I use thin wires and use the hole for the water drip
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    My Dehumidifier is working great in the wine fridge. The only downside is, that the combination of the wine fride with the dehumidifier in the inside creates super high energy costs. Its 50-70Wh vs. my approach with glycerol (5-8Wh). Why is that? Because the peltier in the inside (dehumidifier)...
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Works quite good, do you have also such quick on-off cycles? Right now it’s 62%on, 55% off. first test with just 4 testbuds
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Yes it works now… black cable from peltier needs to go to red from cable.. however the ventilator needs red red . Wired connections but it works now
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Okay I thought so but my side gets super hot instead of cold. May my wires are wrong? +-
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Stupid question but which side of the peltier should be cool, the one without the fan?
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    does one have a european supplier (germany), e.g. amazon for your small dehumidifiers you all use? May i buy it as a backup. may this one?
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    Win Free Product through Testing

    Ready to test :-) But from germany/EU
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Coming back to my approach, first "testbuds" are harvested and so far the glycerol-solution works like a charme. Big quesiton ofc is how long the glycerol holds, how easy it is to regenerate it (cooking out of water?) - but so far it gives super nice flexibility, the fridge is completly closed...
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    yes i will be glad to report the process and I will start in some days. I tested the setup with a bunch of oregano leaves and with the aquarium-airpump it was quite easy to hit the humidity numbers. However as you see i added a second cpu-ventilator in order to have no humidity gradient. What I...
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    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    What do you think about my approach using glycerol and an airpump to control humidity? The pump is controlled by humidity and it works quite quick. I have to harvest in the next days weeks and I want to have steady drying at 17C and 55-60% RH. Any concerns? Thanks