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  1. M

    Early Harvest What Do You Think ?

    I posted yesterda about a medical friend of mine who is into the 6'th week of flower, she found 3 plants each having 1 seed within the top flower, she seriously looked everywhere but cant locate the hermie, this being said, she was going for 8 weeks but I told her to cut it back to 7 just in...
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    Plant from Feminized Seed

    So there must be a pollen sac somewhere? She just cant see it??
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    Week 6 And Found A Seed!

    I heard that a plant grown from feminized seed can produce seed if it becomes stressed, if this is true will there be a pollen sac somewhere on a plant?? A friend of mine found 3 seeds on 3 seperate plants and she said she cant locate any sign of male sacs, Could a feminized plant simply produce...
  4. M

    Plant from Feminized Seed

    I heard that sometimes if a plant grown from feminized seed can produce seed if it becomes stressed etc... If this is possible will there be male pollen sacs present somewhere on one of the plants or can the plant just simply produce a seed??? Thanks.:roll:
  5. M

    Feminized seed?

    Her plants are from feminized seed, and i heard that sometimes if the plants stress a little they could produce seed?? If this is true would there be male parts visible??? If a male pollen sac erupted wouldn't most of them have seed by now?? She said they are in week 6.
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    Feminized seed?

    So for sure she has a hermi??? She found 3 plants with 1 seed on each, she said there is no hermies she could see, she said she searched everywhere! Could a plant produce a seed if it is somwhat stressed out??? She or I have no experience with this.
  7. M

    Feminized seed?

    my friend who is a medical patient is growing bubba kush, the flowers are 6 weeks and she found 1 seed within a flower. She checked all other plants and saw none, no hermies were noted either, why would this plant have 1 seed growing on it, it is only on one branch, she cut it off and threw it...
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    PH UP CHEM. Question

    Are the PH up and down chemicals the same as you use for spas? I used PH up and havent waterd with it yet thought I would see if it is ok to use, I was told there was no diff. but thought I should ask you people first. Thanks in advance.
  9. M

    PH Question

    If I add too much PH down to my water and it brings it down to 4.0 is it ok to add PH up and get it to 6ish? Will this stuff effect the plants? :roll:
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    Light Movers Question

    Hi, I would like your professional opinion on this set up. Three 4x8 tables, pro track light mover with the 10foot extension arm, equiped with 1000wat hung in the center and 600 wats on each end all with 4x4 shades. So what do you think? All opinions would be appreciated, thanks.:joint:
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    My Dad lost his arm....

    Hello everyone, my father was in a terrible accident about 15 years ago and after several years of operations he finally had his arm removed at the elbow, without going into details and make a long story short he is in intense pain every day, eventually the morphine quit helping as well as every...
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    Track Lighting Questionj

    Light movers / back and forth.
  13. M

    Track Lighting Questionj

    I know that 2 lights are better than 1, but , has any one here ever experimented with 1 light on a track?? How does it affect the final product?? Is it noticably different than two fixed stationary lights??? I am looking for feedback from people with experience using light tracks. Thanks.:-P
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    Lighting tracks

    OK so a travelling light on a track will not produce the same product as two fixed hanging lamps ?
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    Lighting tracks

    Was wondering if light tracks with one light on the track will work as well as two fixed lamps on a 4x8 surface?:-o
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    Light tracks

    Was wondering if anyone has experience using light tracks and if a 600 wat digital would work well with a light track? Will the final product be as good as using 2 stationary lights?:-o
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    what is the best method of drying to keep the wonderfull odour and not straw and grass clippings?
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    Dutch Passion

    Hi, just want to know if anyone has had good results from Dutch Passion seeds, do they have good genetics?:leaf:
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    What would you do?

    Maybe just remove the tops for now? What do you think? The tops look better than the sides.
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    What would you do?

    If your outdoor crop was about 5-7days from ripening and you just got the first rain since 30 days and the forecast calls for mors scattered showers and night time temps below freezing and day time temps around 40-50 would you say fuck it and take it down or do you think they will produce...