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  1. K

    u got good ass weed or what?

    u got good ass weed or what?
  2. K

    Anyone from Edmonton or Calgary?

    IM FROM CALGARY!! W00t W00t!!! someone help a brother out, email me or whatever!! [email protected]
  3. K

    Help roots broke off during transplant?

    ay, krack matt... whats up i just moved to calgary a little while ago... email me or sumthin...maybe we can link up for sum coffee or sumthing man [email protected] Cya.
  4. K

    Hey bro! Hows it going..... Ima BC BOY 2, from Vernon actually... anyways I just moved to...

    Hey bro! Hows it going..... Ima BC BOY 2, from Vernon actually... anyways I just moved to calgary a little while ago... we should get together and grab some coffee or sumthin...??? I'm down man.. anyways git bak to me, Kam.
  5. K

    hey whats up budd

    hey whats up budd