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  1. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Things got away from me there... The girls are doing well. I had to move things around a lot. I'm not sure why Cherry Bomb looks so light in these pics, she's the same colour as the others to the naked eye.
  2. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Here's an update...about a month later...:shock:
  3. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Lots of rain recently. They don't mind too much, but the top shoots of Gorilla Glue #4 were almost broken off the other day. The stem grew after the training hooks were set, and they ended up lower than the points where the branches connect to the stem. I removed the hooks, but I may have to...
  4. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    They're all in their final pots, and I'm continuing to stretch them out to the sides.
  5. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I've got her stretched out a bit. I really do need to rise those rocks off.
  6. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Thanks! So do you see it kind of like how landraces/heirloom strains are disappearing? Or how most strains are an indica/sativa hybrid, even if it's a low percentage?
  7. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    30⁰C out there today! What a start to the outdoor season.
  8. Mycroft Holmes

    LED 2x Sanlight Indoor Pineapple Express x2, Blue Dream x2, Blue Gelato 41 x2, Wedding Cake x2,Ayahuasca Purple / Outdoor NLxHaze5, GG#4 x2

    I haven't seen a full run of Blue Gelato yet, and I'm growing GG#4 outdoors right now. Mind if I pull up a chair?
  9. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Whoops! I meant to add some pics! I started them inside a while ago (not sure what day) so they're close to going outdoors into their final pots. They've all been topped, and I'll be spreading them out soon.
  10. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Hi everyone! This year I'm growing one old favourite, and 3 strains that are new to me. Starting off with my old favourite... Cherry Bomb Feminised photoperiod 50% indica/50% sativa Big Bomb x "Fruity Mother" THC: 17-22% CBD: 0% Flowering: 8-10 weeks, late Sept-Early Oct outdoors Effect: Head...
  11. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Thanks! She's currently in a 1 gallon pot, and she'll be going into a 7 gallon in a week or so. I only have space for one plant in the garden, so that's reserved for the Cherry Bomb.
  12. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I'm growing my first Gorilla Glue #4 right now. She'll be going outdoors soon. Not sure who bred her though, she was a freebie, and started out a mutant.