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  1. M

    Snapped Tap Root Tip

    Thanks for the optimism...... i am hoping. I started another just in case.
  2. M

    Snapped Tap Root Tip

    I germinated an ak47/lowryder 2 cross 3 days ago in paper towel. Well it took a day and a half to crack and when it did the root grew 1.5" in 24hrs and got tangled through the paper towl and I broke 1/4" of the very tip off? The root had a bunch of hairs starting at the seed shell and almost...
  3. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Well here is the scoop on my Lowryders..... we still have one plant growing, so we cropped and dried 5 plants for a whopping total of 20 grams of dried herb. Pretty bad yield, nice potent, fluffy, buds though. They are stinky. I would say that a majority came from the largest plant and the...
  4. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    ya kinda risky....... dunno what the rules are there.... but i think here in Canada after 3 plants you can catch serious shit. I am thinking 3 trees next time..... probably better yield than the lowryders. Anything after 3 plants you may as well grow 99.
  5. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    All very nice pics......i checked our records today and it apears we are week 6 and 3 days, and flushing. Any worries if we shut the nutes off a bit early? Things continue to fill out nicely, no tricomes clouding yet.... just getting fatter, and more plentiful....
  6. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    It could be burnt... I would cut the bad part off. Not sure what it is though.
  7. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    K guys here are some nugget photo's... i found a macro setting on my cam.... it took nice photos... so do they look ready to flush?
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    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Here are 2 more pics, we started Double Flush today, hope its not premature but I really don't want to be late on that, they look like they are going to be ready in the next couple weeks. Anyone have any suggestions?? I can always throw the nutes back on for a couple days. -Tricomes...
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    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    I have heard that they have some genetic defects on these autoflowering, dunno.... all I know is that they all looked like yours until the second week.... except for the runt that cracked a couple weeks later. That big one looked like they others a day ago... that coner pretty much doubled in...
  10. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    1982Grower, Those things are looking good. And your right, they are damn quick, should be able to sex very soon too.
  11. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Oh yeah and that tall one, is a 19"er, and looks like a producer.... I can't wait to smoke her! Is it too late to seed a branch? We saved a male top. I will post a lot more pics soon..... and of my whole set up, it seems to work good and it was cheap. These were just off my b-berry, and I...
  12. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Ya i should have 2-3weeks left, I checked the trichomes today, and they are just starting to mushroom head, I would say about 25%. none are turning color yet, just starting to see some redhairs on the middle plant. The midget is budding too..... it looks to be 2 weeks behind, gonna have to...
  13. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    This is 4-5 weeks can't really remember, all planted the same time, we got that midget, it sprouted 2 weeks late??? it didn't germinate the same time as the other ones. 10 seeds, 1 dud, 3 males, 6 female. All plants are at least double the size now, I will post more pics tommorrow. This is...
  14. M

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    hey guys, I also have a lowryder 2 grow, 6 in hydro in week 6. Any idea when I should flush these things? I am thinking it should be soon but don't wanna jump the gun. I will try to post pics here.