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    Top leaves culring down and tacoing inward

    Base soil is happy frog. Up potted over 6 weeks until 5 gallon fabric pots. With ocean forest. (Hydro shops around me suck) and do not like to give any Info to learn from. Anyway I ended up transplanting a total 3 times. Each time I hit the root zone with great white mycorrhizae. Same when I...
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    Top leaves culring down and tacoing inward

    I have a bag of some roots organic terp tea bloom. Npk is 3-7-4. I fed with that about 2 weeks ago... shortly after is when I noticed the leaf curl. Last week I hit them with the cal mag. Could they really still be hungry? They are only 5 gallon pots.
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    Top leaves culring down and tacoing inward

    I appreciate the responses. all 3 plants are from seed. I hit them with a dose of cal mag almost a week ago wondering if that was causing some of my issues. Should I attempt liquid kelp I have? And should i foliar feed with it or just water it in? I plan to do a slurry tmrw after work to see...
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    Top leaves culring down and tacoing inward

    That is where I am at. Humidity is 40% vpd sits at 140. I water only when the pots feel light. And I do not water to runoff. Light is dimmed to 45%. Roughly 18 inches above tops of plants. And I have 2 fans. One for top of canopy and one below canopy. The light green lower leaves was more of my...
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    Top leaves culring down and tacoing inward

    I am uncertain of what this could be? First time at attempting living soil. I will post more information upon responses to my question. What can cause one plant to have top leave curling down into taco shape. And bright green lower leaves. The plant in the back left seems to be lacking in...