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  1. H

    Almost ready for harvest

    I'd try and push them a week or two
  2. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    They're coming along nicely should swell up good. It's been shit for Rain and they're drinking a lot of water on top of 90-95°f. I've been watering about three light waterings a day or two nice heavy ones depending on how hot and windy it was, they haven't shown any heat stress and seem to be...
  3. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

  4. H

    How to cure a sick plant?

    I agree I always see one or two plants out of ten that seem to run different and seem to acclimate differently when adjusting the lighting up. Just take it as a challenge.
  5. H

    How to cure a sick plant?

    I've had that sometimes just the phenomes and genetics are a little bit different in that plant or something's just a little bit different in the root ball and you know makes it more resilient to those things like sun and heat
  6. H

    How to cure a sick plant?

    Looks like they might be a little light on the nitrogen side, especially in your first few weeks of flower. You're pushing everything towards New growth and you get a couple older leaves dying off but usually towards the bottom. If I were guessing towards the top I would say a little bit of...
  7. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    Like Lancaster Ohio
  8. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    Thanks. We've been getting these nice cold snaps and I hope they continue through the whole cycle to push those nice colors out in the buds
  9. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

  10. H

    Tent walls

    I just put a piece of screen actually it was a piece of a furnace filter and zip tie to a piece of two inch pipe and stuck it in a port at the bottom of the tent which allowed passive air flow and my tent didn't suck in at all
  11. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    This is a better pic of the short bushy one. I forgot what all three where they are from my ethos seeds. I know that but forgot which ones where which. I don't really pay much attention to it. I just find new strains I like and try them usually from ethos though.
  12. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    I got some closer up ones when I was home on lunch. The one in the rear that's a month behind is really bushing out good since I topped her she's not as thick as the others stalks are but should thicken up a little more
  13. H

    How to cure a sick plant?

    I will light a candle for you tonight. Prayer heals all.
  14. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    They're doing good. I topped them off with fresh soil and gaia green 2-8-4 and some other additional things. We've had 87°f to 96°f weather with very little to no rain. They get watered two to three times a day to keep the roots cool and battle evaporation. No biggie though. I haven't defoliated...
  15. H

    Leaf removal

    I wouldn't they're not hurting anything and you don't have many to spare on that plant.
  16. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    I use a soil made of a Amish compost blended with some fox farm ocean forest and amended with fertilizers over the last few months. It's basically a recipe I follow for indoors and just amplify it a little more with the outside soil.
  17. H

    Week 5 of flowering - One plant Leaves around buds dying

    Looks like you had some drying back and they look hungry. What are you growing in. Maybe have some lockout going on there.
  18. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

  19. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

  20. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    They're 25 gallon bags