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  1. E

    CaMg issues after some improvements maybe?

    I thought I would add a pic on the monitoring/water chiller just so you know I take my water quality seriously HAHAHA I have a 50 gallon sealed drum not pictured that I keep RO water in using a float so it can collect over time as I use it. One 44 gallon trash can used to drain the...
  2. E

    CaMg issues after some improvements maybe?

    The top three pictures are as of a week and a half ago. Currently these are flushing and about to be cut down so pictures today wouldn't really help as they are all stressing right now with 100 ppm water. I've never really liked to flush with 0 ppm water (not sure why just something I remember...
  3. E

    CaMg issues after some improvements maybe?

    Hello, So I am a new member on here but I have been growing for several years without serious issues I couldn't figure out with typical forum searching. For my recent grow I made some changes to improve my yield capabilities and energy efficiency which has led to issues which I have been unable...