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  1. H

    URGENT: Minnesota Senate to vote on medical marijuana bill Wednesday!

    Our momentum continues to build. Today, the Minnesota House Finance Committee voted 17-6 in favor of H.F. 292, MPP's medical marijuana bill. After the bill passed the full Minnesota Senate this Monday, we are now closing in on the House floor vote! We are closer than ever to protecting seriously...
  2. H

    URGENT: Minnesota Senate to vote on medical marijuana bill Wednesday!

    S.F. 97 has passed all Senate committees and passed the Senate floor with a 35-29 vote earlier today. The bill will now go the Governor where he will either sign or veto the bill. Senator Pogemiller did vote for the bill and continues to be a supporter.
  3. H

    URGENT: Minnesota Senate to vote on medical marijuana bill Wednesday!

    Here is the latest, this is copied word for word from MPP's newsletter. Exciting news! Today, S.F. 97, MPP's medical marijuana bill, was debated on the floor of the Senate and passed 36-28! This is an enormous victory for some of our most vulnerable neighbors, and we could not have done it...
  4. H

    URGENT: Minnesota Senate to vote on medical marijuana bill Wednesday!

    S.F. 97, MPP's medical marijuana bill, will be heard on the Senate floor tomorrow! We need you to contact your Senator and show up at the legislature tomorrow for the vote, if you are able. Please contact your Senator NOW and ask them to vote YES on S.F. 97! Many patients are counting on you to...
  5. H

    order seeds online w/ paypal?

    Well, first I want to thank everyone that shares their knowledge on this website. I have gained so much just by trolling and can only image the wealth of information I will gain after my grow begins! I am looking for the best place to order seeds from online that ships to the united states. If...
  6. H


    Looks great, im gonna bookmark this for the future!
  7. H

    Good or bad ebb & flow setup?

    wont work like that, you've got to upload them before posting. is a good free image hosting site
  8. H

    Thanks for the replies fam, Actually I am wanting to start my first grow very shortly and we are...

    Thanks for the replies fam, Actually I am wanting to start my first grow very shortly and we are in the same state. I was HOPING(actually thats an understatement :P) that you might be willing to help me out with some beans or clones. Thanks again, I'm starting to assemble my stealth grow...
  9. H

    was going to ask you about some clones or seeds, just didn't wanna put anything out in the open

    was going to ask you about some clones or seeds, just didn't wanna put anything out in the open
  10. H

    dose the mylar need to be compleatly flat?

    what about mylar safety blankets? I've seen these used in the past but most if not all have patterns/stitching. will this lessen the effectiveness of the mylar as a reflector?
  11. H

    MInnesota's on it's way.

    Been waiting for this for some time now, I would be much happier without my current pain meds
  12. H

    Post Your Poetry

    New Balance old shit i just dug up: a hex-nut on her left lace 'cause she said it was lucky. plus she found it funny that i wasn't mucky from running. her kicks were caked in dirt, she never was subtle, always broke 'em in with a stomp in a puddle. so i suppose its kinda telling...
  13. H

    Hey I had a question for you.. would you mind emailing me at [email protected]? peace...

    Hey I had a question for you.. would you mind emailing me at [email protected]? peace brotha! -Chris
  14. H

    Avid smoker, n00b grower

    Welcome brother! AWESOME to see fellow Minnesotan on the site!!
  15. H

    what up?

    Hope everyone is well, I just figured I would introduce myself. Been trolling the forums for some time now and plan on starting my first grow very soon. Would be great to meet or talk to people in my area (Minneapolis) stay safe everyone!