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  1. I

    Moving clones from dispensary?

    I just got my medical card and plan on getting some clones tomorrow. How is the best way to transfer the clones from the dispensary to my house? I don't really feel like just carrying them out in plain site! Thanks
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    Attention Atheist

    people like you make me sad to be part of the human race. the number of idiots like you is growing at an unacceptable rate due to brainwashing by right wing republicans. to believe that a being actually created everything is just ridiculous. me saying that i don't know how we were created or...
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    Expecting my legal bud today!

    i would never try it because i don't know where or how it is being made. i don't know what chemicals i am smoking or what it is doing to my body. that is just my personal opinion. you go ahead and buy 'synthetic marijuana' and good luck. i will continue to grow my own deliciously natural marijuana.
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    Kimdog? Ever heard of it?

    I have the opportunity to get some "Kimdog" clones. I've never heard of this strain and can't find any info on it. Anyone know anything?
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    Kimdog? Ever heard of it?

    I have the opportunity to get some "Kimdog" clones. I've never heard of this strain and can't find any info on it. Anyone know anything?
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    Aurora Indica Outdoor grow-PICS

    so how is the smoke?
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    600W Aurora Indica Scrog

    Wow man come on. I read through this awesome journal and there is no pictures of dry bud or a smoke report? This journal just lost 10 points in my cool book. I have a couple AI in flower right now- awesome strain. Might have to try a ScrOG with them now. Wish you would have came back and...
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    Aurora Indica Outdoor grow-PICS

    hey man sorry to hear about the mold problems- that really sucks. but the buds you got look real nice. let me know how the smell and smoke is man. your next grow will be awesome, i can feel it. are you thinking of going with the AI again, or something new?
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    Is anyone feeling physicic if this is a Male OR FEMALE

    i'm feeling very physicic (hahaha), it's a shemale! physicic = physics + psychic! holy shiznit! but really i have no idea, how about female.
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    Upping Nutrients?

    I have a question about nutrients. Right now I have 2 AIs and 1 AK48 in flower and they love their nutes. I bought the 3 part Flora series and really like it, but this is my first time using it. Right now I am mixing 18 mL micro, 15 mL grow, and 24 mL bloom with about 12 mL KoolBloom. I don't...
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    Upping Nutrients?

    I have a question about nutrients. Right now I have 2 AIs and 1 AK48 in flower and they love their nutes. I bought the 3 part Flora series and really like it, but this is my first time using it. Right now I am mixing 18 mL micro, 15 mL grow, and 24 mL bloom with about 12 mL KoolBloom. I don't...
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    Upping Nutrients?

    I have a question about nutrients. Right now I have 2 AIs and 1 AK48 in flower and they love their nutes. I bought the 3 part Flora series and really like it, but this is my first time using it. Right now I am mixing 18 mL micro, 15 mL grow, and 24 mL bloom with about 12 mL KoolBloom. I don't...
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    Skin: Fancy Gray question

    Wow... awesome support this forum has... figures
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    Skin: Fancy Gray question

    I have always used the Fancy Gray skin- real slick, but I was wondering why it says "Your-Forums slogan here" in the top left corner. Why doesn't it have a rollitup slogan instead? Hmmmm? Hmm?
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    Aurora Indica Outdoor grow-PICS

    mmm those first 2 pictures look real nice. the hairs just turn colors at different times- so that is nothing to worry about. the hairs changing brown have nothing to do with maturity or anything like that- just the genetics. and shroomy, why do you say it is rootbound?
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    Aurora Indica Outdoor grow-PICS

    hey oz- looking good man! she's really starting to bud huh. how old is she now? do you mind if i post a pic of my AI in here sometime? its ~12 days into flower
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    molasses,(EVERY THING) u need to know

    Is it a bad idea to use molasses in hempy buckets? OR does anyone use molasses in hempy bucket setups? I am using hydroton as a medium. Will it be okay for me to add molasses? Thanks
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    Anyone Ever Ordered From These Websites?

    hey man I know what you mean- I have a local store too, but until the prices become somewhat reasonable I will continue to buy online! Thanks for the bump!