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  1. D

    first time with attitude; A+

    I ordered the first time under an old roomates name and it was forwarded to his new address!! His wife ended up throwing them out the window while driving when she realized They were pot seeds. HA!! It was worth the extra $350 to know that they would get here under the radar, so I reorderd...
  2. D

    Colorado Dispensaries Company Type / Taxes - How It Works?

    HI everyone, I am becoming active in the med. merijuana community. march 19 show your support at health dept. further defining was a caregiver is / 5 cards one caregiver and they would have to be like a nurse. sounds to me like there tring to put gray area so they can f*#k with us. how can you...
  3. D

    Colorado Dispensaries Company Type / Taxes - How It Works?

    hi every one , I am up and coming grower here in colorado.Growing almost a year, finally my opp is dialed. Started with bag seed, now growing cannbis cup winning strains. So I was wandering if anyone had some advice on coming above ground and opening a dispensarie? Becoming legal The american...