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  1. O

    Hydroponic Question!!!help!

    Thanks for all the advice guys. I suppose you can call it taking the easy way out, but i think i'm just going to germinate in a cup of miracle grow garden soil then transplant outdoors. I want to start outdoors because in North Carolina, this end of April seems like the perfect time to start...
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    Hydroponic Question!!!help!

    Then what kind of system would work best to make and what kind of lights would I use?
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    Hydroponic Question!!!help!

    can someone tell me if this hydroponic system will work, and if it will, will it work in my closet? It's about 8X4X8, a walk-in closet. The system is from Four Plant Super Deal: 5 gallon Four Plant Kit with 125w light! I would upgrade to the "Saturn" bulbs! I'm just worried the lights might not...
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    First Indoor Grow Questions!

    SHAMAN vbmenu_register("postmenu_111544", true); Ganja Smoker Pot Head Join Date: Mar 2007 Location: Sticky Stinky Field's Posts: 388 Gallery: 17 permalink RE: Wow sounds like you have lot's of room. Nice little system but with the room you have I would make my...
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    First Indoor Grow Questions!

    What's up guys this looks like a great site. I'm brand new to it and I'm about to start my first closet grow. I will be posting questions and pictures throughout the grow, and I would very much appreciate it if I got some feedback. As of now, can someone tell me if this hydroponic system will...