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  1. J

    bit of help with stealth lowryder 2 grow

    thanks, but no im not talking about a 125 watt equivilent, it produces 8500 lumens and the 200 watt produces 12800 lumens
  2. J

    bit of help with stealth lowryder 2 grow

    Hi guys, i'm setting up a lowryder 2 stealth grow in my room and have been doing a lot of reading and pretty much have everything figured out but have a a couple of questions before i'm ready to start, any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. First question, my space is 16" by...
  3. J

    outdoor dry box?

    ok, so assuming i was going to be drying about 8 plants, what dimension of box would you recomend for it and how many/big should i make the holes in the box for ventilation? also, any ideas on the best kind of fan to use as far as low energy and a power source as i won't be able to get any sort...
  4. J

    outdoor dry box?

    hi guys, first post on this forum and im looking for some opinions. im planning on a small guerilla grow this season of 4-8 plants and my only concern is where i am going to dry the plants after harvest. i live in southern ontario and it's pretty hummid sometimes. i was thinking about building...