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    Tarps GTA.

    Newbie here and hoping for some guidance. TIA. I’m in Toronto with about a week or so to go until harvest. I put some tarps up in September to protect from the rains and the dreaded bud rot. Unfortunately, it seemed to backfire. There was a stretch of five days of rain at one point so that...
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    Outdoor growing in Toronto. When to start germinating seeds?

    Thanks. They’ll be in the ground. I’m not too focused on size, more concerned about when to pop the seeds so the seedlings will be ready for May 24. for example, if I pop them in February, will the seedlings survive in a window sill under sun aided with a grow bulb until May 24? Or should I not...
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    Outdoor growing in Toronto. When to start germinating seeds?

    First off, newbie here, My apologies if my question has already been answered before; I did searched the site for the answer, but couldn’t find it. the scenario/question: I’m in toronto and plan growing outdoors this summer. Plan on germinating the seeds in a window sill aided by a grow bulb...
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    Damp Crumbly After Drying??

    Thanks. Newbie here. They were outdoor plants and I washed, then wet trimmed. Lots of rain leading up to chopping them. Temp and humidity in the dry room was 20 degrees 50-60% humidity. But I did have three fans circulating the air(not pointed at the plants.) I’ll reduce it to two next time...
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    Damp Crumbly After Drying??

    curious, having the same issue this year, how did yours turn out?