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  1. F

    Newbie issues

    Thanks for the advice. I wish I knew that earlier. Here is a current pic. Been about two weeks since the first pictures. I am concerned because I have to flip these to flower soon due to time and space but I don’t wanna flip an unhealthy stressed plant. That one strawberry cough is getting...
  2. F

    Newbie issues

    How do you accurately test the soil? I’ve only tested ph of the water, water w/ food, and runoff. I believe the brita filtered water is missing a lot of key micro nutes but not sure why the runoff ph was so low
  3. F

    Newbie issues

    UPDATE: not doing so well. I believe the root of my issues is a lockout from low PH. Been PHing (Brita filtered water- also a mistake) and watering at 6 but did a light flush yesterday and runoff was about 4-4.5! Wth any suggestion? I’m planning on feeding using tap water that reads 7 with some...
  4. F

    Newbie issues

    I have been feeding a half dose of nutes every other watering. Typically 2-3 days between watering. I’ve followed fox farms feeding schedule so the plants just got their second taste of grow big last Friday. Also using fabric pots with excellent drainage.
  5. F

    Newbie issues

    Thanks for the response and reassurance. I am a very concerned plant father lol
  6. F

    Newbie issues

    Thanks for the recommendation. I will give that a go. Aside from the nitrogen toxicity, how are they looking? They had some explosive growth in week 1 and have since slowed up a bit.
  7. F

    Newbie issues

    Hey folks, first time grower here. I have 4 plants going in a 4x4 tent. All 4 are in 3 gal pots. Planted in FFHF. 2 on the right are strawberry cough, back left is blueberry, and front left is blackberry kush. The BBK has been giving me issues since a seedling. Getting towards the end of week 2...