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    If you could smoke with one person . . .

    dead - Einstein alive - craig ferguson
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    316,000 Bongs Seized by Feds

    this is my new favorite candy dispenser!!! lol
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    medical mary j and background check

    sweet thanks, this is what i was thinking but im paranoid about fbi full background check. i guess my concern is that since its only medicinally legal in some state and still considered a crime by the feds that it might show up in some way shape or form. idk maybe im just overly paranoid. or...
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    medical mary j and background check

    Hey everyone, So i was thinking.... how cool would it be to have a medical marijuana license and work at the airport to get the free travel benefits and go where ever you wanted to enjoy mother nature.:weed: but the only thing i thought of is that they do full fbi background checks.. would a...
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    This will blow your MIND.

    WTF?????????????????????? ok so at some moments i could understand what he was talking about, then he got to the 3rd dimension. lol jk. crazy sh*t man. i understood some stuff but not a whole lot. like what would life be like in one of those other dimensions??? ps. fascinating and hard as hell...
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    medical marijuana and insurance

    sounds good. i was reading up on the laws for this and i didn't see stress as a reason to be able to use medical marijuana so im concerned as to whether or not i can get it still. am i SOL or can i still technically get it? thanks for the help:)
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    medical marijuana and insurance

    im within or right around colorado but im pretty sure i will be moving in a few months to cali. should i wait for cali or could i get it now with permission to use it in cali?
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    medical marijuana and insurance

    i think that was a typo. lol. so if im at least 18 they will just see a doctors visit, and whenever i buy nothing will show up either? also i was thinking on using one of the doctors that the medical marijuana clinics say they can provide? would that be a good or bad idea? thanks for your help
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    medical marijuana and insurance

    ok so i want to get a medical license to buy and grow. the problem is im still on my parents insurance and im afraid that it would show up that i got it. i dont want my parents to know because they dont believe in medical marijuana at all. i'll admit i use it recreationally but mainly for a...
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    Female Pre flowers??!!!!(PICS)

    hey guys, i figured this would be an appropriate place to ask this (its my first post). I have some skunk and white widow, and i am a week and a couple days into flowering and i dont see any signs of the sex of the plant. after researching when i should see signs i saw that i should be able to...