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  1. K

    Which is the nicest tasting?

    fuckin blueberry will blow your mind man the srongest and most realistic tasting pot is BLUEBERRY BLUEBERRY BLUEBERRY just buy blueberry you won't be dissapointed its indica dominant so it should be easy to grow
  2. K

    Why Isn't it Tasting Like it Should

    i cure 2 weeks min and flush 4 the same time jus letting u know how i roll and my weed taste great but buddy is right it's just like a fine wine to a point because thc will begin to depleat after a year or so but thats an extreme time to hold onto some dank bud lol
  3. K

    DRYING question

    hey man i was laughing at the guy that started this thread he said hes scared to handle his bud not me read the whole forum before u correct me goof
  4. K

    First time growing with cfls

    hey man grow is looking very well so far i have a few suggestions.if u have the money pick up a 70watt hps security light from the hardware store.i have a similar setup to yours and on my second grow i added the hps wow wat a difference in bud denseness(if thats a word lol)but realy it makes a...
  5. K

    DRYING question

    sweet deal man i am gonna harvest this saturday i am pretty stoked and nervous at the same time cause alot can still go wrong.the buds r nice and solid so light was no prob.i have 1 question though how do i get it to actualy smell like killer weed and not jus like a wet plant thanx for ne info
  6. K

    DRYING question

    do i have to take em out of the jar,i hate to handle them too much,or is it enough just to open the jar lololol sounds like your scared of your weed lol i love touching,smelling,eating,drinking and smoking weed don;t be scared my friend
  7. K

    Heres what cfl's can do

    ya man that grow totaly looks good.looks like some of the shit grown out here in b.c my plant is days away from finish my cola nug just loves the little 70 watt hps plus i got arond 224 watts of cfl side lighting.did u use molasses in your grow?if so dit it help or not?whatever you did man it...
  8. K

    does it make a difference if the leaves smell like weed, or tomato plants?

    ya man smell doesn't determine shit.the only sure fire way is to go 12/12 and if u see white pistils it's a girl my friend.the plant i have on the go now is 5 weeks into flowering with tons of buds and yet not a hint of smell,wierd i don't know but its got crystals all over her so it should be...
  9. K


    hey tokinman thanx for the reply.i never thoght of it that way i guess i am lucky lol but ya tons of crystals and the buds look great.the seeds are from 1989 was given to me by my dad who got them from his best friend whos a grower said there hash plant so ya.pretty stoked to smoke her flushing...
  10. K


    hi i am 5 weeks into flowerng and there are tons of buds but no smell?i mean i stick my nose right on the plant and there is absolutely no smell.i can toch the stem then smell my fingers and i get a good wiff but no smell other than my weed gonna be bunk?
  11. K

    Heres what cfl's can do

    i dont know man t 5's here are 24 $ for a double ballest light setup whick is enough to grow at least one plant so shitty deal for u paying a hundred dollars and if u have a small setup and just want 1 light go to a building center and buy a 150 watt hps bulb and ballest for about 89$ and thats...
  12. K

    Heres what cfl's can do

    Ya to anyone who says cfls are bunk then f u c k y o u.this is a prime example of what 30$ worth of light bulbs can 70 watt hps can be kept within 3 inches of the plant which is awsome.the cfls can pretty much touch the dam plant and are great for side lighting as well as top.your gro is...
  13. K

    Heres what cfl's can do

    deadly lookin plant ro i got 1 plant bagseed from my dad hes had the seeds since 1989 so its cool they germinated but i got 2 42 watt 3000 lummen cfls 1 26 watt 2600 lummen and a 75 watt hps on her shes 35 days into flowering hope it turns out that nice man ur is pimpin much love from British...
  14. K

    how to properly harvest?

    can someone plz tell me the process of drying and harvesting or would be greatly appreciated
  15. K

    A complete grow journal + pics

    i got 1 plant under one 75 watt hps with two 100 watt cfls as side lighting putting out 3000 lumens each hps is 7500 lumens and just started flowering 2 weeks ago and am definately gonna use sugar water.the seeds i started with were given to me by my dad they are from 1989 so i am stoked to...