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  1. M

    Burn or deficiency? In need of help!

    I'm baffled. I've been vegging for 6 weeks and my problem is getting worse. It's tough to describe. The middle and bottom leaves are yellowing and developing small splotchy brown spots throughout the leaf. The tips are turning black also. There are no signs of this problem on the top...
  2. M

    How tall does Super Silver Haze get?

    All great advice. I'm encouraged. I was a little depressed thinking that I might have to get rid of a couple. The Mrs. won't have any part of moving a plant or two outside the grow box. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
  3. M

    How tall does Super Silver Haze get?

    I just started 3 SSH seeds and things are going well so far. But I'm getting a little nervous because I think these ladies are going to get too tall for my grow box. I've got a box that is 2'x3' and 5 feet tall. I can't find a good answer as to how tall they get. Does anyone out there know...
  4. M

    Humboldt's - 100% CFL Setup!

    Dude. That picture is so messed up. Unfortunately it had me rolling! God damn that's funny.
  5. M

    Flowering: CFL vs HPS Dilemma

    Thanks for the reply. I found a Sun System HPS 150 Grow light fixture with a bulb for $70. It says it puts out 16,000 lumen. Using the CFL's I would have over 25,000 lumen. Would you still go with HPS? Thanks.
  6. M

    Flowering: CFL vs HPS Dilemma

    Ok I've read enough to know that most growers prefer HPS over cfl's for flowering. But with that said I still have a question. I plan on doing a small grow (2-4 plants) in a 6 sq ft grow box. I will have a total of 16 cfl's for the grow and will have a minimum of 25,600 lumen for vegging and...
  7. M

    Where to put 16 cfl's

    I'm growing with CFL's because the Mrs won't let me buy anything more expensive. Maybe if this goes well I can splurge later on some proper lighting.
  8. M

    Where to put 16 cfl's

    How many plants are you growing? I'm going for 4. Are switching out the bulbs for vegging and flowering? Thanks.
  9. M

    Where to put 16 cfl's

    HA! That was funny. Not helpful. But funny.
  10. M

    Where to put 16 cfl's

    Background: I've been reading around and I haven't seen this question posed yet. I plan on using two bathroom vanity lights that have 4 bulb sockets each in a box that is 3'x2'. I plan on putting a 'Y' splitter for each so I have a total of 16 bulbs in this six square foot box. Question...
  11. M

    CFL Light Distribution

    Background: I've been reading around and I haven't seen this question posed yet. I plan on using two bathroom vanity lights that have 4 bulb sockets each in a box that is 3'x2'. I plan on putting a 'Y' splitter for each so I have a total of 16 bulbs in this six square foot box. Question...