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  1. I

    Super lemon skunk very indica pheno

    I bought some super lemon skunk from some guy and it did seem legit because it looked like the usual lemon skunk does (light green, light orange hairs) and it reeked of lemons with a sweet lemon flavor. I was lucky enough to find this little deformed seed that somehow germinated fine but unlike...
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    Darkness Super Xxx? Does anyone know what is in this stuff?
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    What dug my plants up?

    Well i just went to check on my guerrilla grow today to find that 2 of my 3 plants were dug up and were just laying on the soil so i replanted those. My other plant was not dug up but it was moved over and some of my dirt where it originally was had been dug up. What kind of animal would do this...
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    my 12 feet babes

    How much less of a yield will you get by planting them so close?
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    How Far Apart?

    I have some outdoor plants that have about 1-1.5 square foot to themselves only 3 plants for now do you think that's far enough apart?
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    Ilikepie's first outdoor grow (bagseed)

    You think they would live outside at this stage?
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    Outdoor seedling watering help

    The fastest way i have done it was by germing it then placing in a cup (not a clear one though) and putting some plastic wrap over the top to keep moisture in and giving it a nice watering BEFORE planting the seed and putting it in a warm place and it doesn't need water again until it sprouts.
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    Ilikepie's first outdoor grow (bagseed)

    Ehh i need more lights but i can't even drive to go anywhere haha.
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    Ilikepie's first outdoor grow (bagseed)

    Well i got some pretty nice bagseeds so i decided to start growing. I germed about a week ago and then planted. I'm using MG seed starting soil. i will be moving them outside into the woods very soon. Here is a few pics of them. The 3 bigger plants i planted one week ago and the small one i...
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    Iighting issue

    Alright dude thanks +rep for you. And I'll probably take some pics and create a grow journal once they are in their permanent location.
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    Iighting issue

    Alright so with some chicken wire and being out in the woods in the most open spot i can find (has some trees around but has pretty nice lighting) and the soil i made which has Potting soil, That black soil stuff, and some cow and a bit of chicken manure think they will be alright?
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    Iighting issue

    well i moved them outside just under my trampoline for shade and the fact that i have to hide them. i guess tomorrow I'll move them out into the woods if they can survive that?
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    Iighting issue

    Think they will be ok outside already i live in MI btw.
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    Iighting issue

    Well since i only have one 23watt clf to work with and 4 plants about a week old that are about 4 inches tall how long can i keep them under that small of a light before i take them outside?
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    Spouting the wrong way

    Haha yes all is fine now they are all standing straight up.
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    Spouting the wrong way

    Also, when i am ready to transplant in a week or two how should i plant them outside? should i wait for the soil to be pretty dry then pull the plant and soil all out as one or can you just cut the bottom of the dixie cup off?
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    Spouting the wrong way

    ahh sweet man thanks for the help.
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    Spouting the wrong way

    well i replanted one and the root went straight down about 5 inches and i just covered both of their roots up just exposing the leaves to the light. Thing they will make it? i checked and they arent dried out or anything.
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    Spouting the wrong way

    Alright im gonna rebury them then do you think they will survive they only sprouted just this morning.
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    Spouting the wrong way

    Heres what it looks like because i have a bad camera that cant focus on close objects well at all.