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  1. MattyB957

    First Plant

    It's actually more on the 2 month side but it really does seem to be growing slow...I have to keep it near a window when I'm at school but it gets sunlight all day, then when i get home i put it under a 75 watt daylight flourescent light...any suggestions?
  2. MattyB957

    First Plant

    So is there a chance my plant should start flowering soon? And the leaves look green and healthy, is that just natural drooping?
  3. MattyB957

    First Plant

    Hey this is my second post here, my plant is almost 3 months old and I'm just curious as to if my plant looks healthy and if there's anything I can do to improve it. Let me know, thanks!
  4. MattyB957

    First Time Growing

    Okay I'll have to purchase a higher wattage's in my closet so I don't have a ton of room.
  5. MattyB957

    First Time Growing

    I actually have a florescent bulb, except it is only 26 watts...would that do the trick?
  6. MattyB957

    First Time Growing

    The lighting cycle I'm using is definitely closer to 18/6, I make sure it's in the dark for about 6 hours when I'm sleeping at night. When I go to school I have the plant near a window that gets a very good amount of morning sun, probably up until around 12:30 in the afternoon. It is winter, so...
  7. MattyB957

    First Time Growing

    Okay thanks I'll get on that.
  8. MattyB957

    First Time Growing

    Thanks a ton, I think I have been over watering and I also think my plants were too close to my lights and were getting heat burn. I also don't have a fan on my plant, should I look into getting one for ventilation?
  9. MattyB957

    First Time Growing

    Hi, this is my first time growing and my plant is about a month old. It is pretty green and looks healthy except for the leaves are somewhat droopy and there tips of the leaves are turning brown. Is it over watering or do I have the plants too close to my light source? Help would be appreciated...