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    thanks all,will get test strips to start with then post,is there a decent ph meter you could advise me on please
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    hi,its in soil and perlite mix,started using the nutes in the pic once a week,i have not tested ph yet as just started learning and dont want to fork out for those expensive ph testers
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    Hi all,hope i have posted in the right place,this is my first grow only one plant,my leaves are turning a funny color help? thanks for any advice its an autoflower
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    first ever grow

    thanks for your advice,total newb
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    first ever grow

    they was outside and it started raining so brought them in quick,thats why they are wet
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    first ever grow

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    first ever grow

    Thanks for reply's,what would you do to them from here?
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    first ever grow

    Hi,as the title says this is my first ever grow,how do you think they are looking? Thanks for any replys,they are autoflowers
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    led help

    hi,its a 85x85x180cm
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    led help

    is this led any good for a small grow tent? its the 200w version thanks in advance
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    help please

    Hi, would this light be ok for 1-2 plants in a small tent,thanks for any replys
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    led help

    thanks corey
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    led help

    sorry if a dumb question,would the spider farmer sf2000 led be good enough for a 80x80x180cm tent? much appreciate your replys thanks
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    led wattage

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    led wattage

    i have been given a 80x80x180 tent,what wattage led would be good for this? thanks for replys
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    led wattage

    how much led wattage for a 80x80x180cm tent, thanks in advance for replys
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    led light????

    thanks for taking the time to reply,much appreciated
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    led light????

    Hi,totally new to this,i have been given a 80x80x180 grow tent,what led light should i get for this?brands/wattage?thanks in advance