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  1. Marcus66

    whats the point of kief collectors in 4 piece grinders?

    Hearing you all talk about the uselessness of grinders is truly puzzling. You need a grinder. A four piece one is better because of the kief benefit. And kief is certainly worth saving. By grinding your weed, the benefits are easy to point out. It breaks the herb up, necessary for vaping...
  2. Marcus66

    Pink Lady Review

    Thanks murdergrow! I'll call them this week and see if it was my mistake or theirs on the genetics. If it was mine, apologies. Definitely was an excellent smoke, and the "errors" seem pretty minor, so might have gotten lost in translation (or really is a unique strain).
  3. Marcus66

    vapor pens

    Another benefit of the EGo-T is that the threads also fit Blu cigarette cartridges, and I use it as my cigarette vaporizor as well, instead of the Blu atomizer.
  4. Marcus66

    vapor pens

    I just haven't had very much luck with my MFLB. Everyone is always saying how great it is, but whenever I try to use it, I never feel like I'm getting a very good hit, except for the first toke. I know not to hit it like a bong, and I'm sipping the air out of it for a good fifteen seconds, but...
  5. Marcus66

    Pink Lady Review

    Just got done smoking my first bowl of Pink Lady. I smoked it over about an hour period. Here are my thoughts as I experience the high of this lovely lady. I'll give the info i have on it: Pink Lady B MMJ America Downtown-Denver Genetics: Black Cherry Cola x Space Queen 70/30 Indica "Bag"...
  6. Marcus66

    My first grow

    Jerry, bummer about the hermies. As far as the two teenagers with seeds, perhaps you might think about letting one finish up. I mean, I'm a first time grower, and from what I've read, switching sexes could be either genetic or environment based. Two of my plants from bagseed decided to ball...
  7. Marcus66

    My first grow

    Jerry, bummer about the hermies. As far as the two teenagers with seeds, perhaps you might think about letting one finish up. I mean, I'm a first time grower, and from what I've read, switching sexes could be either genetic or environment based. Two of my plants from bagseed decided to ball...
  8. Marcus66

    My first grow

    As always, great journal Jerry G. Since your plants are a couple of weeks ahead of my first plants, I'm using this journal as kind of a blueprint. I do have some questions on snipping some samples from my plants. I've been buying tree since I started my grow and have been looking forward to...
  9. Marcus66

    My first grow

    I'm really not trying to start any stuff by saying this, but I have a younger brother who is graduating this year, and his writing looks just like yours. Writing with periods really will really help with the flow of your writing. Sorry, Ck2009, I don't have any help to give on the fans. Good...
  10. Marcus66

    My first grow

    Excellent journal. I appreciate it, as I'm on my first grow and my girls seem to be about the same age as yours (kind of funny how it sounds like we're talking about our children.), or at least going through the same stage of development. I just found your journal and feel much better now that...
  11. Marcus66

    Big Shock! A Newbie needs help!

    Perfect blunt weed. If you don't mind picking out seeds Thanks for the response. So it's looking fine so far then? Thanks. I took a considerable amount of the balls off, but left some on for the seeds. We'll see I guess in a couple of weeks.
  12. Marcus66

    Big Shock! A Newbie needs help!

    Hello all. Still pretty new to the site, first post. I have been growing a few plants for my first grow. I planted them in mid january and induced flowering with 12/12 in the beginning of March. Most of the girls are looking great, but Mr. Happy turned into a hermie and had to continue flowering...
  13. Marcus66

    Smoking Vapo'd Weed

    Auzzie, I hear ya man. I just got my vaporizer a couple of months ago, and I was always saving the leftovers for cooking. Unfortunately, my coffee table sees a lot of traffic (often stoned traffic) and the shot glass holding the vaped remains kept getting knocked over. Today I saw I had enough...
  14. Marcus66

    Can I Vaporize FRESH, UNCURED Bud?

    Well, I was going to try this when my plants reached that stage, but since he tried it and has since not replied, maybe I should be a bit leery??? Let's hope it wasn't his last post....ever. lol