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  1. bk310773

    Arizona Growers Thread

    hey im in az tucson area... just kinda moved a few months ago... im in btw does anyone have any clones for sale?
  2. bk310773

    Grow Tent Club

    brain storm under 600w
  3. bk310773

    pineapple fem 100w pc case 12/12

    over 3000 views ... check this one out
  4. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    well i got them put up for adoption.... check out the the pics here
  5. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    seee everyone on here when i get all moved... on to bigger better more legal things lol
  6. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    i have found a buyer for my plants... so i dont have to buy a van and transport them... and the photographer stopped by today to snap a few shots the last 4 are old ones i took a while ago.... notice the mutated white widow
  7. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    and i still cant get ahold of my photographer but i think im gettin a better camera soon
  8. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    pry just goin to drop price of said plants and make sure my friends send me some
  9. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    How was the drive
  10. bk310773

    which bellvue you crash at ... there is a bellvue close to where i live

    which bellvue you crash at ... there is a bellvue close to where i live
  11. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    oh they are ... hopefully you can see tomorrow.... 600w in a tent WAY to small
  12. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    how far was your trip
  13. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    well i offered to sell them to a friend today but he doesnt have the lights to keep them up and going... and the clones would be just as much trouble as the whole plant... and i think the will be about a month early to cut.... i dont want to just give them away either
  14. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    true that.... im going to have them in the tnt burried under all my other stuff
  15. bk310773

    need help please its an emergency

    ok so here is the deal....i have three mediumsized plants in full flower and jan 14th i have to move from my current location in middle america to the south west via a 24 hour drive is there any way this could be possible... can i leave them in the dark that long? or would i have to get a 12...
  16. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    oh and ill have pictures up as soon as the photographer stops by to snap some pics
  17. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    ok well the purple bud came out male so i pulled him... the other 3 are in great shape... was worried about the widow... its mutated... maybe in a good way... the next problem is i have to move in early jan. .... no choice it has to be done.... can three plants live through a 24 hour or more...
  18. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    wqell today is the first so i starte flowering
  19. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    brain storm and white widow up front respectively the white widow is about an inch shorter and as alot of undergrowth
  20. bk310773

    multi strain 6oow tent

    so i think im going to flower the plants when they are around 15in tall