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  1. db1140

    post water curing

    I can only see water curing being that beneficial if you have grown some mid-grade or swag that might bricked up, and you may want to bring out some sort of smooth smoke. Taking a quality strain that has b/w 15%-20% THC and trying to water cure it, is totally defeating the purpose of growing...
  2. db1140

    post water curing

    Ill agree!! I recently tried to experiment with water curing, given all the talk about it, and needless to say it was not the brightest thing ive ever tried. My bud was sensi star and it had bright colors and good dank smell, after water curing the buds were almost brown and looked like crap...
  3. db1140

    quicker harvest??

    ya there's not much you can do , ive tried to cut the light down to 16off 8on, and 18-6 and it doesn't help trust me. If you have to cut it early you are better off leaving it natural 12-12 therefore it at least doesn't stress you plant. Looks like the time machine may be your best bet. If you...
  4. db1140

    brown paper bag on top of the fridge? questions..

    You got it, basically just open the bag for a minute to let the buds breath some fresh air and the bag will do the rest. I noticed in the first post you said they told you to go with the paper bag for 2 weeks, i might advise against them being in their that long, they might too dry by then, a...
  5. db1140

    1K light. 5 plants (white widow X hash plant) Guess The final weight!!!

    well i guess if your weighing them with those big stems its a different story, it probably will come out to pound. Awesome looking grow tho
  6. db1140

    1K light. 5 plants (white widow X hash plant) Guess The final weight!!!

    Sorry man its not gonna be a pound, i can assure of that. It looks like each plant has between 1-2 ounces, id say maybe 8-9 zips total and thats counting on them being somewhat dense
  7. db1140

    when to flush for hydro

    ya just use plain ph'd water, for at least a week before harvest, might wanna give it two weeks for good measure. Whatever you do.. Do Not use molasses in your hydro system, it will cause major algae quick.
  8. db1140

    brown paper bag on top of the fridge? questions..

    Yes you want to roll up or close up the paper bag, but you want to burp it a couple of times, this means just open it up and let some fresh air circulate in the bag but when it is sitting you want it closed up
  9. db1140

    brown paper bag on top of the fridge? questions..

    I usually hang dry for 4-5 days, then ill do the paper bag for a good day or two, then go to jars. When i go straight from hang drying to jars, the buds feel dry before entering the jar but after a few hours with the lid closed the buds become to moist and start to smell grassy. Why i use the...
  10. db1140

    Best new strain for newbies?

    Just giving my 2 favorite indica to grow is sensi star. Its an easy strain to grow but still has those super quality genetics. It was my first grow ever and over the years after trying other strains, i find myself going right back to it. I have grown pure sensi star and Domina...
  11. db1140

    Best new strain for newbies?

    I was able to buy a sample of Super Lemon Haze, from Greenhouse Co. at CC'08. Then recently was able to try some smoke from a buddy that grew it indoors, having gotten the seeds from Greenhouse. The characteristic of both buds remain the same, no noticeable variation that i can remember from...
  12. db1140

    Best new strain for newbies?

    Super Lemon Haze is the front runner, it won cannabis cup 2008 by a landslide of votes. But i will have to warn you this plant has a tendency to grow tall and in a closet with 600w light, i can assure you there maybe a few heating issues, im not sure the size of your closet. If you have more...
  13. db1140

    finally harvested!!!!

    finally someone with some sense talks, right on Smokinmayne, these idiots generalizing the whole south because they are from some shit hole town where maybe only two or three people have legit connects, poor guys.. maybe one day you will learn some common sense. Its all about who you know...
  14. db1140

    finally harvested!!!!

    Purple honey Bomb?? Never heard doing this.... But damn it looks like it would do the trick...pretty crazy
  15. db1140

    How long should i let em hang?

    generally you can squeeze and see after 4 or 5 days
  16. db1140

    finally harvested!!!!

    aww dont fool yourself buddy, if you hung out with some little kids and smoked dirt in texas thats your own damn fault. We grow some of the best strains in the world and you buy bagseed bullshit off the streets that you have no idea what it is, lol, but feel as if you gan generalize the whole...
  17. db1140

    finally harvested!!!!

    Ya im in texas, and 20 a gram is pretty much set price, thats why i grow fellas. If one of your boys has some good homegrown he might knock it down to about 15 but getting it for 10 a gram down can forget about it. Its always dank but the days of getting it for round 10 a gram have...
  18. db1140

    First timer, do these look ready to harvest?

    I was honestly not trying to be an ass, but curious to know if that was weed. I mean at what point do you realize that something might be wrong with the plant. Props to growing it but wouldnt you want to know maybe what went wrong to do better next go around. We all live and learn, good luck to ya
  19. db1140

    First timer, do these look ready to harvest?

    so it looks in the pic as if you have another plant beside this one?? Dude thats not weed, or hell if it is im not sure i would wanna smoke it either. Are the pics just fooling my eyes or what, give us a few answers bro. I guess the other plant my look worse or what, maybe you should show...
  20. db1140

    woman only

    if you are trying to add flavor you not gonna achieve that by leaving the bud in the same bag as some type of flavor extract. What this will do is make the bud smell like the extract or chosen flavor but the taste itself will become worse and more harsh because all you are doing is adding more...