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    to legalize or not to legalize.. that is the question

    so me and my 2 smoke buddies were sitting at the park gettin high yesterday. randomly, we brought up the topic of the legalization of marijuana. my friend mike made a valid point. do we really want marijuana to be legalized? if the govt REALLY got a hold of it, they'd TAX it like crazy wouldnt...
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    add 3 words to these words, to make a story..

    Today I was walking down to the local MJ dispensary to pick up an ounce and a half of this funky purple stuff that has the potential to be very potent and powerful. Then I realized I was allergic to cat hair and purple weed. I couldn't screw my wife anymore so i got high and took...
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    quick question

    hhahaa oh wow loll thank you for tht sincere information i will now take it into considerATion
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    4 letter word to do with weed

    KUSH. ^ all tht matters ;]
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    quick question

    aaahahah im so stoned. hah sorry guys x]
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    quick question

    heyyy it went awayy! =]]
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    quick question

    see, like tht ^^ right under my post >=/
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    quick question

    hm.. feel kinda retarded asking but why do i have these ad's in my post's ? do i get rid of them?
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    Stoner Women

    well, ahem, im not a girl not yet a woman (18yrs old) and i smoke fluently ((; lol im attracted to both men and women and i find women stoners very sexy ;]
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    Colorado anyone?

    ohh my best friend just moved to colorado !! welcome
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    Smoking Etiquette

    im black >=P =]
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    Smoking Etiquette

    RULE # 14: "thou shalt not turn down a smoke.NEVER." ^ me likey !! haha && RULE # 21: "the person who brought the bud, picks the music" <33
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    haha i spelled intrest wrong -_- loll thanks guyzz =]] and im happy to be here
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    Topics Talked About When High

    i babble haha =/
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    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    i use purple ;P
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    Michael Phelps Endorses ROOR Bongs, Get One Today!

    Team phelps!!! =]]
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    Your Stoner Lingo

    ohh & zooted = BAKEDD !!
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    Your Stoner Lingo

    we say chief. chief'n. cheif'd. :) and faded-ly when you faded-ly do smthing, its usually pointlesss. something u normally wouldnt do, unless ur stoned ;]]
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    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    me and my toke partner chief'd @@ about 10'oclock at night , sitting on the front of some random peoples lawn (:
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    Movies That Only Makes Sense When You Are High.

    adult swim ?? haha loll ((;